Chapter 4

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I stepped into the bathroom and walked towards the shower. The bathroom had marble counters and sink. There was a chandelier in the bathroom too, which is far too uneccessary. I turned on the shower and grabbed the towel. I threw it over the side of the shower and grabbed the rag. There was already a bath soap, shampoo, conditioner and face wash in the bathroom. I quickly pulled off my clothes and opened the fogging shower door. I left the blood stained clothes on the floor and entered the shower.

I washed my body properly, and rinsed out my hair as quickly as I could since I was already in the shower for about 20 minutes before I decided to wash my hair. I used a really nice smelling coconut scrub which I adored then exited the shower.

I pulled on my underwear and took one of the soft white robes off of a hook and snuggled into it then began drying my hair. The sound of the bedroom door opening came from outside the bathroom and I looked at the bathroom door through the mirror. The silence that followed Toni's arrival to our room was alarming and I turned to face the door.

I marched towards the door and flung it open. There he stood, in all his glory. It was the nightcrawler which had grown extra arms and legs. It grabbed Jacob from under the bed and Landon from out of the closet. I ran back into the bathroom slipping as I did so. I slammed the door and locked it, backing into the bathroom and staring at the door. I looked around the bathroom for a weapon and stopped when I had found nothing.

Banging started on the bathroom door.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears and my stomach acid bounced around in my stomach. My body began trembling as the banging grew louder and harder. Instead of the door breaking the very strong lock broke out of the wall and the door roughly swung open. Landon stood there with a sinister smile on his face and his fists clenched tightly.

"Hello Iris," he sang. I gulped and I backed away from him while throwing mutliple things that were on the sink at him. Shampoo, facewash, hand soap, liquid hand soap, a glass and a cup for toothbrushes. He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off of the ground, I swung my legs and tried to yank his hand from around my throat. I realized I had to stop kicking at him because I wasn't hurting the nightcrawler, I was hurting Landon.

My eyes began watering and Toni burst into the room and swung a fireplace poker at Landon's head.

"Toni no!" My voice cracked and Landon let me go as a screech escaped him. He sounded so helpless, Toni grabbed me, and Jacob who was watching in the doorway of the bedroom.

We ran through multiple hallways until we reached a large open area. There was absolutely no sound where we werr but the granfather clock. Toni finally let us go and I glared at her, while throwing myself back onto my feet. I sprinted to our bedroom and ran into the bathroom. Landon was gone, his blood was still on the floor and there was still a huge mess.

"No!" I covered my mouth and looked out the broken window. I ran out of the bathroom while shoving between Jacob and Toni. I sprinted outside and around the huge mansion. The air was burning my lungs as I inhaled it and the tip of my nose and fingers began burning. I was running on wet grass with no shoes and nothing to keep me warm. I stopped in front of the broken bathroom window.

Shards of glass remained at the bottom and Landon wasn't there. He had fallen from really high up and was not where he would have landed. There was absolutely nowhere he could have gone with the big injury he'd gotten from Toni.

I began walking back around the house and was met half way by the red head, Tessa.

"Are you ok?" She asked casually. I shook my head at her question and she frowned at me. "What's wrong? I saw you run outside," I bit my lower lip and met her hazel eyes. I couldn't see her clearly because other than the light coming from inside the house and the moon there was barely any light to shine this far.

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