Chapter 1

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This can't be happening!

I looked at Jacob and Landon who were rooted to the spot.

"I will be back for you three, you'll see," He pointed a finger at us. Morphing into a newborn baby then back into the nightcrawler and sprinting off to some unknown part of the hospital. Instead of how the nightcrawler sounded, he had sounded completely normal. Just like Holmer.

"Ok ok," Landon began. I turned and looked at him. His face was red and tear stained. "We need to go!"

Jacob and I scrambled to our feet and sprinted out of the room. We ran to the emergency stairs and ran all the way to the ground floor without stopping to breathe. We had no clue where we were running to. Landon who was at the front of our single file running pushed open the door leading onto the ground floor from the emergency stairs.

There was blood splattered everywhere and pieces of disected people. It smelt of coppery blood and rotting flesh.

I covered my mouth and bile rose to the back of my throat burning it and lowering back to my stomach. All the doctors were dead. Everybody was dead.

"Keys!" Landon cheered running and lifting the keys from the puddle of blood. We jogged to the room with high rooves and looked around it while we passed. Nobody was there, we felt like we were the only people left in the entire building. Our footsteps echoed and Landon wiped a hand over his face.

We exited the hospital into the freezing cold night air. The lonely moon hung in the air and only a few cars were left in the parking lot. Landon pressed a button on the key and car lights began blinking.

"Cool!" Gasped Jacob sprinting faster than Landon and I towards the car. I threw myself into the front and Jacob sat in the back.

"Why are you making me drive?!" Landon yelled his breath fogging around him as I ran my hands up and down my arms.

"It can't be that freakin' hard you shithead now drive!" Yelled Jacob slamming his hand on the window as Landon carefully climbed in. He pushed the key into the hole and the engine roared to life. "Woohoo! You turned it on can we go now?!" Whooped Jacob drumming on his thighs. "Now turn on the fucking heater!"

I looked at the front of the car.

"Which one?" I questionned still shaking glancing back at Jacob who shrugged. Landon stared at the steering wheel and raised two blood covered, shaky hands to the wheel. He put the car in reverse and stepped on the gas throwing us all backwards. I hit the dashboard and Jacob almost flew through the windshield.


"I don't know what I'm doing!" Landon said nonchalantly, but his face was everything but calm. He put the car in drive and pressed gas pulling us forwards.

"Not that hard Mr. IronFeet!" Jacob swore holding his head.

"Ok you wanna drive?!" Landon screamed.

"Hell no!" Jacob screamed back at him.

"Well then shut the fuck up!" Landon glared back at Jacob who leaned between Landon and I.

"You're not the boss of me!" Jacob yelled childishly sticking his tongue out at Landon.

"I'll show you the boss!" Landon shouted at Jacob grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into the front of the car. Jacob's head hit the rearview mirror with a thud and they started throwing their fists at each other. Grabbing and pulling at each other's hair and clothes. The sound of them hurting each other filled my ears and I attempted to separate them.

"Hey hey hey!" I tried to pull them apart, but I was cold, hungry and didn't feel well at all. "Guys please," I frowned feeling utterly useless. Holmer/Nightcrawler is going to come back and we're all gonna die I thought.

"Please," I let my tears flow out of of eyes because I couldn't help it. I'm weaker than Jacob who was the inferior when it came to the two of them. "Please stop fighting," I croaked my voice breaking as I tugged on the back of Jacob's shirt. Landon and I locked eyes for a brief second. Landon stopped and held Jacob's wrists.

"Stop!" He said over an already angered Jacob.

"I said you aren't the fucking. Boss. Of. M-"

"We're making Iris cry," Landon said sounding guilty for fighting with Jacob. Jacob craned his neck to look back at me and I wiped my tears.

"You two are unbelievable," the driver's seat door swung open and we all turned to look at the door horrified.

"Please," She begged. "Let me help you guys," Toni cried.

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