Chapter 3

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"Lord who are these messy children?!" Cried the old man with deep creases in his forehead and the prettiest eyelashes. The red head moved away pulling this black weird thing out of her pocket and holding it to her mouth. She inhaled deeply and looked back at us, smoke escaping her lips as she disappeared down a hallway.

"Tessa come back here!" Called the old man lazily.

"This is Iris, Landon, and Jacob," Toni rolled her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose. "And why is she here?" She gestured to the young woman with the short hair and the old man smiled weakly at her, but before he could answer Toni the woman spoke up.

"My house is having a few modifications hun, so me and the kids'll be staying here until they're done. I'm staying in head room so please don't go anywhere near there Tonya. I would really appereciate that," the red head girl Tessa marched over angrily and lifted her hands to her hips.

"What do you want?!" She barked her pretty face instantly looking ugly with the expression she had put on it. Her eyebrows furrowed and she clenched her jaw.

"Don't you speak to Charlie like that Tessa," said the woman dryly. Millie walked towards me and looked up at me.

"You have pretty hair, and why are you cpvered in blood?" she threw me a toothy grin and I returned it, not answering her question.

"Yeah these kids can stay with us, make sure they don't steal anything, Tessa help your aunt with these kids and the house and everything," Charles fanned a hand at Tessa who looked down at the other boy that lay on the couch very comfortably.

"Why can't River do it?" She said slowly glancing at him then Charles.

"River go help your cousin no questions," Charles who seemed to be the boss of everyone sighed dismissively.

"I don't want to," River complained his eyes not leaving the screen of his phone. A smile formed on his face as he rapidly typed glancing next to him at Charles. Charles was already glaring at him and he stood, stretching his arms above his head. I looked down at the abs he'd revealed to us by stretching and he lamely dropped his hands.

"I don't need any help, I just wanted to let you kn-"

"Miles where are you going?" The lady interrupted. All gazes moved to who the woman was speaking to. Another boy was standing awkwardly in the hallway staring at all of us. Him and I locked eyes and heat immediately ran to his cheeks as he averted his gaze.

He wore a grey sweater and his skateboard was tucked under his arm. He was just a bit younger than me.

"Oh-uh-" He stammered.

"Not going to see that girl again are we?" River smiled looking down at Charles. They began to argue in a language that was totally foreign to me as Toni grabbed me and Landon's wrists.

"Whatever," she muttered yanking us away. She pulled us further into the house through hallways after hallways that were elaborately decorated.

"This house is too damn big Toni," Jacob scoffed struggling to keep up with Toni who was basically dragging me across the floor. She flung open a door and pushed us inside. It was a beautiful bedroom, or would have been a beautiful bedroom if it wasn't such a mess.

Papers were scattered across the bed, floor, and desk. There were books and broken pens everywhere as well. The main colour of the room was white and the bed wasn't made. The desk chair was on the opposite side of the room and a variety of different potato chip bags were all over Toni's bedroom. It smelt strongly of vanilla and coffee.

"Oh my god," was all Toni could say as she threw herself onto her bed.

"This is so much..." This is all a lot to process. The nightcrawler can only turn into people it eats. It wants to eat us, why? I still don't know. Toni lives with her cousins and now her sister is living with her. My mom's dead. Holmer's my dad- my thoughts were interrupted by Landon.

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