Chapter 1

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Cool breeze, nice view of sunrise by the bridge while sounds of water flowing below and birds chirping. A perfect place and time to enjoy one's morning coffee.

But that's not what Rolland was here for. With a last view at his brother, Rolland had come to the bridge before dawn. He could not waste much time or the people will start crowding the place.

Tears fell from his eyes but there's no going back. He's had too much of life and now he couldn't take it anymore. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, letting go of his body and preparing to feel the water and the shortage of air soon.

"I'm sorry.. ", were the last words he managed to whisper before giving in his body to fall. Just as he fell headfirst, someone grabbed his legs.

" No, let me go! No! ", screamed Rolland but the stranger was too strong and pulled him up in a heartbeat.
" What do you think you're doing? ", the stranger almost shouted.

But before Rolland could say anything, he burst out crying. The stranger pulled him into a hug and Rolland sobbed onto his strong muscles.
After awhile, when Rolland was calm again, he looked up at the stranger, at his perfect jawline, dark brown eyes and the most beautiful face ever.

"Why did you save me? ", Rolland asked in a low voice.
" You think I'd let someone kill themselves right in front of me while I could've helped? ", was his solemn reply,"Matthew. And you're? " He gave Rolland a questioning look.

"Rolland.", was the quick reply of Rolland.

" Okay Rolland, care to accompany me to the cafe? It's just opened", Matthew seemed quite cheerful and he didn't even ask Rolland why was he trying to end his life.

Both boys walked towards the cafe and sat down across each other on the farthest table from the door.

"Two cappuccinos please. ", Matthew told the waiter. He waited for him to go far enough so he couldn't hear them and looked at Rolland, who was looking very uncomfortable.

" Hey, do you want to talk about it?", asked Matthew.
"Uh um... Okay. ", Rolland stuttered.

" Hey, listen, tell me what's troubling you that you wanted to end your one and only life! Tell me everything and maybe I can help? ", Matthew said softly.
No one has ever spoken to Rolland so nicely so he was kinda shocked at first but he decided to talk to him.
Maybe he really could help.

The waiter brought their drinks and Rolland started sipping his cappuccino. Matthew seemed to like it. "It's nice huh!", Matthew said taking another sip.

Rolland just nodded. All he was thinking about was how can someone be so jolly and happy with someone who just attempted a suicide.

After Matthew finished his cappuccino, he he took a deep breath asked again,"So, um, go on. What's troubling you?".

Rolland took a deep breath too and said in a low voice,"do you ever feel like the world would do fine or infact better without you?" .

Matthew was a bit confused at first but then shook his head sideways and said, "nope, I guess."


"What?", Matthew gave him a questioning look, no doubt he was confused.

" No one feels like that. Because, they are cared by at least someone or the other and they are not a disappointment to their family. No one's like me.. ", Rolland almost cried but he had control over himself.

" Hey, you're not a disappointment. I'm sure that not everyone but someone or the other cares for you and admires you.", Matthew tried his best to console him.

"Umhum... ", was all Rolland could manage to say, as he cursed himself for acting so pathetic in front of a stranger who just saved him.

" Uh it's almost 6 am... I guess you should be going home or your family will freak out.", Matthew said looking at his watch.

Rolland nodded and asked, "and what about you?".

" I'll first walk you to your home and then maybe go home and sleep.."

Rolland was quite shocked that Matthew wanted to walk him home, but he didn't protest, he actually needed some company.

Throughout the walk, they both got to know about each other.

Rolland was a sixteen year old boy whose dad had died and lived with his mom and a younger brother. His mom stopped caring about them after his dad left. Moreover, she always felt that Rolland was a disappointment to the family as he was an introvert, had no friends and wasn't good in studies.

Matthew was a nineteen year old guy whose biological mom died and had a step mom whom he hated, so he got a job and lived alone in his apartment. He was very popular in his college and girls are always chasing after him. But he is quite tired of all these attention and fake friends and one night stands.

Soon they reached Rolland's house and it was time to say goodbye.
"So, um I leave you here. And promise me you won't try to kill yourself again.", Matthew said.

" Yep, um thanks and bye."

"Bye and hope to see you again someday."with that, Matthew left and Rolland sneaked into his house from the back door and got on his bed.

" Matthew, he's nice. I wonder when will I meet him again.", Rolland muttered to himself as he again fell asleep.

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