II In The End It Just Looked Dumb

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With a sleepy Min Jun on her lap, Go Eun continued to watch the episode. Min Ho wasn't as concentrated as he would usually be, tonight he would occasionally glance in Go Eun's direction. After the episode finished, they quietly, but passionately discussed about it. Just like on set, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Whether it was something she wanted to praise, something she wanted to critique or something she was worried about, she let him know. Around her, even he, who grew a habit of keeping his personal opinion to himself, let out what he thought was good, but also what he thought was complete shit, in those words exactly.  

"I agree... I'm worried about that too. I'm worried people who didn't pay attention from the beginning will drop out, and new people won't be able to join in... hmm." He frowned.

"Well we can only hope for the viewership on Netflix..." she sighed, showing signs of tiredness, "I'm gonna go put Min Jun to bed, you pick something on Netflix for us to watch." She said rather casually, stood up and went to the room, Min Ho assumed was hers. 

 He looked around. For someone who was as expressive as she was, he assumed her apartment would be full of "her". Instead, it showed signs that the owner was rarely home, that the owner rather spent money on travel and memories than on decor. Min Ho unconsciously smiled to himself and looked up her filmography on Netflix. Of course, he can't pick any of those. Not really because of her, but because he didn't want to watch Go Eun kissing somebody else. He could try to make up some excuses to himself as to why he felt that way, but he was to tired right now. Even her look towards Park Bo Gum in China Town would be too much now. Instead he chose Shadows by the legendary Zhang Yimou, thinking that it wouldn't put either of them in an awkward position. 

He waited, waited... and waited... but there was no signs she was going to return, ever. It felt a bit wrong, he had to admit, to go into her room uninvited, but he did it anyways, out of worry and out of curiosity. Min Ho couldn't even pay much attention to the interior (which wasn't even that messy, it just seemed again like young children lived there). On a medium sized bed, covered with an alien print blanket lay the kids - asleep. Next to them, sitting on a chair and laying her head on the bed, slept Go Eun. Obviously, he stood there quietly, observing her for a few minutes, smiling to himself. She wasn't embarrassing when she slept, he knew that before. Go Eun had an ability to immediately fall asleep, at any moment, in any position. She slept peacefully and elegantly, like all the things she did in life. But Min Ho suddenly felt a certain sadness overpowering the adoration he had for her. The fact that she was always so exhausted that she could sleep anywhere with no movement, brought sadness and dissatisfaction to the sight he had right now. 

Min Ho walked over to where she sat, careful not to wake the kids up. Again he observed that simple motion of breathing in and out. Somehow, out of all the people he has met, her breathing was his favorite. She took her breaths exactly how she lived - effortlessly, yet meaningfully.  

First he placed his palm on her shoulder and tried to shake her out of sleep, but that brought almost no reaction, so not thinking much about it, he gently pet her head, glad to remember how soft her hair was. 

"Bunny..." he whispered, now hoping she wasn't able to hear him. "What would she think if she knew? " His focus had somehow shifted from waking her up to cooing. 

"Mmm" she protested, frowning and hiding her face in her elbow, not happy to regain consciousness. 

"Bunny..." He said it again, smiling, not able to help himself. He though "So what if she hears me? She must know she looks like a bunny most of the time. She must know that's what she's saved as in my phone. She must know I look at her that way. She must already know..."

"Don't sleep like that, you'll hurt your neck. Hurry up, wake up."

She mumbled and grumbled, but eventually extended her arms out, almost as if she wanted to be carried. Min Ho smiled and grabbed her hands tight, pulling her up and dragging her out of the room. Sure they've held hands before, but if Min Ho was to be honest with himself, it made his heart flutter way before it was in the privacy of her home. It always made him feel weird when they touched, it felt as if it was the right thing to do. Just like how the clouds let out rain when they've become too heavy, Min Ho felt that he should touch her when she got too close to him.

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