X Bonus

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The cold started to get to her, coming from the open window next to the bedding. Like a lazy cat, she stretched out and pulled on the hem of his shirt which came just above her knees. She smiled to the coldness of the pillow, enjoying the sound of the rain hitting the windowsill. She closed her eyes and heard the sound of the rain drops drumming against the green life outside. Finally, rain in Hadong. It was scorching for the past week they'd been here. Without air-conditioning, this was the first morning she woke up and was able to breathe. Still, the window that he opened before he left, was now letting in too much of the mountain cold. Just as Go Eun was considering ending her rolling around the sheets to stand up and close it, the doors opened and with the draft came in Oppa. 

"You're awake?" he asked in his sweet voice, reserved only for asking how she was or if she liked the food. 

"Mmmmm" she let out a satisfied mumble, stretching once again, feeling warm just by seeing him.

"Did you sleep well?" he smiled, setting the tray with food on the low table and coming over to where she now sat. 

"Mhm" she nodded and smiled upwards as he placed his palm on her head, gently patting.

"Did the cat get your tongue?" he laughed, grabbing her chin, trying to have a closer look at her face.  

She giggled and pulled back, mischievously getting away from him. 

"What?" he laughed, climbing on the bed in pursuit of her. 

"You tried to get it" she laughed and placed a hand over her mouth as her back hit the headboard and her knees came up to her chin. He gaped in disbelief at what he was hearing.

"I did?" he pointed at his face, sitting on his knees in front of her and going for her ankles. 

She giggled like a little girl, trying to avoid his touch. He had that amused yet focused expression, as he tried to grab her and keep her in place. 

They were almost done with their playful wrestling, considering that both of their lungs hurt from laughing, his back was sweating and her wrists were trapped between his fists next to her head as she lay underneath him. Still, in her last play-pretend efforts she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to flip them over. 

"What exactly are you trying to do?" he smiled, not affected by her attempts to overpower him whatsoever. 

She just laughed silly and pressed her lips together as he came close to her face. He smiled and just as he was about to place a kiss on her unavailable lips, she felt the vibration of someone's phone underneath the pillows.  

"Oppa, I think your phone is ringing" she let out, now serious, since that was a rare occurrence.  

He eyed her for a second, his eyes jumping from one feature of her face to another. Then he climbed off her and went to wash his hands, since he didn't do it when he got inside. 

"Answer it" he added casually.

Go Eun found his phone and pulled the shirt down once again, as it got above her underwear in their fight. 

"It's your mom."

"Answer it."

"I can't answer your mom. What will she think?" Go Eun slightly panicked.

"She knows we're here together, what's weird about you answering my phone?" He said, coming back with a towel on his hair which was still a bit wet from the rain.  

"I can't do it, please" she whined, extending her arm forward, urging him to answer the phone.

"What am I going to do with you?" he jokingly shook his head and finally answered. 

Behind The King: Eternal Monarch (MinEun)Where stories live. Discover now