VII Hounds And Rabbits

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Authors note (can be skipped)

Thanks to everyone for reading! I really never imagined anyone reading this, I started writing it for myself because I couldn't get it out of my head. Seriously, as I'm on a break from uni right now, and can't work part-time due to covid, having your support makes me write rapidly and keeps me busy. I love seeing your comments, keep them coming :)))

I think most of you are from Indonesia and The Philippines, but do tell me where you're from, what you've been reading and/or listening to this summer. 

My summer reading list so far has been: Kawabata Yasunari's "Master of go" and "Snow country", I'm currently reading Ernest Hemingway's "For whom the bell tolls", big fan of classics. I've been listening to Fleetwood Mac. Just started watching The Heirs (had to see what the hype was about, I'm not disappointed). 

Now onto the chapter: 


"Again?!" he yelled.

The staff member jumped up, clearly taken aback.

He flipped through the Friday schedule once again, only confirming that the name he wanted to see was nowhere in sight.

"Lee Min Ho-ssi, did I do something wrong?", the girl asked.

He felt bad for raising his voice like that in front of her. 

"No, it's the schedule..." he mumbled, nervously tugging at his lip.

"Aaaa" she let out in relief, "the night shoots must be tiring..." she commented. 

"Yes, night shoots... Monday - night shoot; Tuesday - night shoot; Wednesday - night shoot; Thursday - NIGHT SHOOT; Friday - NIGHT SHOOT! Monday - No Go Eun; Tuesday - No Go Eun; Wednesday - No Go E...." 

"I can't take this anymore!" he jumped up from his chair and started pacing around the set, waving the gun around. 

"Lee Min Ho-ssi, you'll mess up the outfit" another girl followed him around, fixing his jacket.

"I mean what is this? Am I filming a romantic drama with her, or not? Why? Why? Why haven't I seen her since Sunday morning? What is this? Has my life turned into a drama itself? What's the genre? Satire? Melo?" he whispered to himself under his breath. 

Min Ho checked his messages. She didn't even reply to his "Good morning" followed by a selfie of him and Choco in bed. I mean, that was exclusive footage she was getting, and she doesn't even seen him. To be fair, he did send it at 3 pm when he woke up, but it wasn't his fault he was doing night shoots this whole week. Min Ho puffed in disbelief. He knew she was shooting at an another location with the assistant director, but this was too much. Does she not think of him at all? What was she shooting right now? Was it already time for that? Is it today? Is she kissing Kim Kyung Nam now? Right now? Or was it yesterday? Is that why she's not answering? She's too busy kissing Kim Kyung Nam? Her soft lips on... Min Ho flinched uncomfortably. 

"Are the heavens against us?" 

"Lee Min Ho-ssi, your makeup is melting" another girl panicked.

Min Ho was sweating, all by himself. 

"What was I thinking? Why did I give her time? I gave us six months, why did I waste the weekend as well? Why didn't I say anything specific? Why didn't I word it out clearly? Why didn't I make her say it? Why didn't I make us exclusive? What was I thinking? She's a wild bunny jumping around, sometimes to me and sometimes away from me, and I let her hop away from my car and that weekend just like that?!" 

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