VI A Drive In The Night

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It was late when she opened a can of beer and he played the episode. In the dark, they sat next to each other, elbows and knees touching. 

It was the first of May, Min Ho realized, the weather was welcoming and the night breeze gentle, he opened the window slightly, letting the spring night come inside. 

"It's not easy to watch her being pretty on screen and next to me at the same time" he chuckled to himself, realizing that his throat was actually dry from her overwhelming presence. 

"Why don't you drink?" she asked lazily, her focus primarily on the screen.  

"I can't handle alcohol very well." he admitted, "Plus, someone needs to drive you home."

From the corner of his eye, he noticed her glancing his way, "I'll call my manager." she faintly said. 

"It's almost midnight now" 

They both laughed at Jung Eun Chae's death stare to Lee Gon smiling. That scene was so fun to film, because he saw Go Eun comfortably goofing around with someone who was not him, and for some reason that was the highlight of his day - Go Eun and Jung Eun Chea giggling and whispering behind his back. 

"You're right... it's really late. I'm sorry." she mumbled apologetically.

He was about to argue with her, but the helicopter scene came up and they both started to chuckle. 

"Did you understand anything I wrote?" Go Eun asked, leaning to his side.

"I though you were swearing." 

She laughed and grabbed his hand, catching him off guard. Rapidly, she wrote something on his palm. 

"What did I say?" she asked, her mouth slightly opened and her eyes wide in wonder. She was a mixture of childlike excitement and venomous appeal.

He only blinked, having had completely forgotten what she asked.


"Sorry, I forgot what you said." he breathed out, still staring at her parted lips, trying to get their taste out of his mind. 

She mumbled something incoherent and sat back, focusing on the screen once again. She gave up on him that easily, but even in his delirium he could catch her lips slightly smirking. "Is that so?" he wondered and realized she never dropped his hand. 

Only then did his heart truly start to act up. He blankly observed the scenes moving before him. It wasn't that they were holding hands, it was that she didn't drop his. Then he felt her small hand moving beneath his. Without even looking, she spread her fingers wide and held her palm to the ceiling. Inviting.

He could feel the sizzling of his excitement in his ears, ringing like the cathedral bells in Florence; in his eyes, blurring his vision as if he had too much to drink; in his palm which carefully opened up and met hers. 

It wasn't that they intertwined fingers, it was that she did that, on her own. Go Eun made a clear move in his direction. It was no longer his speculating or wishful thinking. She placed their locked hands in her lap as if it was something that she owned. Never did she look at him, but she smiled bashfully, watching the kitchen scene. 

"Wow, Lee Min Ho" he thought to himself, "This girl's got more game than you"

He sat paralyzed for half of the episode, until Go Eun broke the silence with "Wow, Oppa's so handsome on the ship! Omo, look at Woo Do Hwan, he's so cool!"

"Are you drunk already?" he scoffed, looking at the two cans in front of her and her giddy composure. 

Reminding him of Ji Eun Tak, she said "Nope" and wiggled in her seat. Rarely did he see her like that, almost never - carefree and let loose. He realized, maybe only this weekend, that behind her cheerfulness and happiness which she presented to everyone, laid hidden someone careful, calculated, closed off and protective. This little bunny was a lot less domesticated than he had originally thought. And a lot less harmless. She was very dangerous to him and his sensitive heart. 

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