Chapter 27: Raid!

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Emma's POV:

Darkplague hisses and snaps at me angrily when I step on her snake tail, and sends me the death glare. I send her a 'you hate not being able to skin me cuz Optimus is right there, huh,' look and she hisses again. We don't get along.

Arcee and Everence bolt out into plain sight, running fast past all the guards, and all them foolish Cons chase after them as they enter the main room, Megatron letting out a growl of surprise as they burst in, and gosh darn it, I love you Everence. Everence, as she runs past Megatron, does does the 'loser' sign with her digits and winks at him, making him pretty much boil over in anger.

Most of the Decepticons have gone after the two of them, so part two: Jacky and Bulk go for the lab. They take off, and when a few Cons notice, SMACK it rains Autobots baby!

Optimus, Darkplague, Bumblebee, and I pour out and storm the joint

crushing every Con in our way. Ratchet was incredibly reluctant to leave the cave, and even Optimus couldn't get him out. So he stayed with Mithra and Malachite, and is awaiting our call. Our call to tell him mission accomplished.

A battle breaks out in the base,  again, but his time, we are gonna win. We ain't getting chased out this time.

I wrap my jaws around the waist of a vehicon warrior, crunching it and snapping the con into two separate pieces. Optimus looks pained, physical pain, as he takes down a vehicon, and I decide we are gonna do this the badass way. I charge over and toss him onto my back, letting out a battle cry and flinging myself at a small army of ten vehicons.

Ratchet's POV:

Malachite looks so peaceful in her resting place... It can't end like this. She can't end like this.

Mithra is clinging to my chest, deep in recharge, giggling in her sleep quietly every so often. You'll see your mother again.

I sigh, pain holding my spark in icy clutches. "Malachite, I don't know if you can hear me, but..." My voice shakes with depression and my throat tightens. "I want you to know that you are everything to me and I need you to wake up. Please, Malachite..." I take her hand in mine and squeeze it, praying she can feel it or hear it.

Malachite's POV:

I hear Ratchet's voice echoes gently in my mind, and tears come to my optics. "Ratchet... Yes... I hear you. And I love you. I'm going to try... I promise." My voice is shaky with both affection and pain.

I need to wake up. I've been trapped inside these mental walls inside my processor for too long. I need to wake up. Now.

Squeezing my optics shut, I think hard, real hard, trying to push through, make contact with the outside. I. Need. To. Wake. The. Frag. Up.

Optimus's POV:

A heavy blast hits my shoulder and sends me off of Emma's back, but the predacon is too busy fighting off Ravage to turn around. Vess has shot me down, and is approaching, her blade sliding out as she stares at me with chilly optics. She knows about Alto's death.

"Vess--" I rise to my peds, but she cuts me off.

"Your kind has killed my comrade, Prime.  But I do take amusement to the fact that Ratchet's precious sparkmate has lost her senses." She snarls fiercely. "How is your lapdog taking that?"

I respond with a growl and charge her, drawing my sword and readying for battle.

She lashes out first in an attempted backhand swipe, which I leap backwards to avoid and return the attack by kicking out, hitting her shins and causing her to fall. Using her vulnerable position, I jab forward, but she rolls out of my way, and my blade hits the ground right where her chest would've been. While my blade is lodged in the ground she draws a small dagger and leaves it buried in my shin as she rolls away and gets back to her peds. I let out a cry of pain and free my blade, and reach down and yank the dagger free. A wave of pain shocks through my leg, but that's not my biggest worry. Vess is running at me, drawing three more daggers and flings them at me, I dodge two but one slices into my shoulder. I ignore it though, and lash out at her, the blade slicing across her chest, leaving a devastating gash. That was for Ultra Malachite.

Malachite's POV:

"Wake up Malachite wake up!" I beg myself, all I want to do is hug Ratchet and Mithra and never let go... And that's what I'm gonna do.

I use another mental wave of strength and channel it to my processor, attempting to free myself from my mental prison. I can do this!

Ratchet's POV:

I lean forward and kiss Malachite's forhead, and  squeeze her hand again. Mithra is still asleep in my arms, peaceful and warm.

"Malachite please wake up." I whisper, sitting up and turning my helm away.

Then Malachite stirs.

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