Chapter 14: Your Next

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Ratchet's POV:

I struggle to twist away from the Decepticons as Megatron pulls his arm back to terminate Optimus, but in the chains, I can't exactly move.

"No!" Everence cries out, her voice shaking with pain as she struggles, but the vehicons hold her back.

Megatron smiles, the dark smile that haunts all of us, and leans over and whispers something to Optimus, and the Prime's optics widen.

"Just kill me. Let the others go!" Optimus quietly pleads to Megatron; he pleads. He's never begged before...

Megatron growls lashes out at Optimus, and the blade barely slices down Optimus's  chest when a large tyrannosaur roars and locks it's jaws on Megatron's shoulder, and with ease it throws him into Alto. Emma!

Optimus drops to the ground, coughing and gasping in pain. Emma turns her large head and nudges him, in response Optimus nods and shakily returns to his knees.

"Emma!" Malachite calls with joy and relief.

She roars again at the rest of the Decepticons and lowers into a protective stance above Optimus, snarling and growling at any that dared come near the Prime.

Relief tears at my spark, and affection for the child as well. She had saved my spark once, but I owe her everything for saving Optimus.

Emma's POV:

I snap at a Decepticon that is getting too close for comfort. Optimus was wounded, and I wasn't gonna let Megatron kill Ratchet the first time I learned how to use my powers, and I'm not gonna let Megatron kill Optimus now.

"Overgrown Gecko!" Ravage leaps out and yowls, his fangs glistening.

"Ravage, if you really know what a reliable cause is, you should know that the Decepticons are nothing but." I growl, firmly but openly.

"Psh! Optimus banished you!" He snorts and flattens his ears.

I roar in anger.

"E...Emma..." Optimus chokes out, I want to tell him to save his strength, but I can't. "I apologize for making you leave... I was wrong..."

Yay! I nudge him to say thank you and turn back to Ravage.

"Ravage, he was almost executed. This is what the Decepticons stand for! This is what you stand for! Please, help me. I can't let them die." I say, my voice coming out in a rumble that only Ravage understands.

Ravage growls. "Megatron let the sparkling go!"

"But he was going to kill it's parental units. Do you really want to take that away from her? Take Malachite away? Take Ratchet? Take Optimus? Is this really what you want to stand for?"  I urge, and Ravage's optics fill with reason.

"I will help this once." He growls. "But no more!"

He runs for the rest of the bots held captive, and rips off Everence's chains. She gives him a thankful nod and starts unchaining everyone else.

"Useless beast!" Megatron spats as he nears me, sending a glance down at Optimus. "I will destroy everything you know, Prime!"

I roar in anger, and Megatron charges, lashing out at me with his sword. With a growl I dodge the blade and lock my jaws on his right leg, and fling him into the wall.

"THAT WAS FOR OPTIMUS!" My voice thunders in a loud roar, and a battle breaks out within the base.

Megatron shakily gets to his peds, only to be shot down by Ultra Malachite.

"Keep your filthy paws off my daughter!" The femme growls, and pats my muzzle. "Your the best, Em."

"You dang right and don't you forget!" I reply in laughter. Malachite drops to Optimus's side and unchains him.

"Many thanks." He nods to her as he stands.

I lower and nudge his leg. Me wanna give Prime pony ride. He glances down, and reluctantly gets on my back.

"See, now we'll kick ass this way!" I roar and charge a group of Decepticons.

Transformers Prime: Sparkbeat {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now