Chapter 10 - Should I kill my brothers?!

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"dammit, Blue answer the fcking phone!" i said angrily, i swear if I see his face God knows what will I do!

please try your call later ...

"BLUUUUUUUUUEEE!!" i shouted .. my temper shoots up to the ceiling. FCK!

i quickly stood up and find Grey 

i didn't even waste a sweat in finding these moron, i found him in the library

just like the old times

"Grey i'll borrow your car."

He's forehead began to crease giving me the  - are-you-kidding-me look

ohhhh ... so he wants signals 

i looked into his eyes and gave him the I-am-serious look

some students inside the library is now looking at us, and i think this stupidity, we're doing right now, is gaining too much attention. what now?? as if we're shouting..

"Hey! we're trying to talk in mute here, so don't look at us with that weird faces it's creeping me out!" i said with my annoyed face

can't they even sense that i'm pissed?!

they really want to see the REDzilla!!

"Dude i think you two are the one who's creeping us out" an unknown guy said while chuckling

the others started laughing SOFTLY because --- i dunno i think because we're inside this gaddarn library!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" i shouted like my lungs is about to explode. The hell cares if we're inside these library

this guy is really testing my self-control!!

"He-hey Red, re-relax i'm just kidding you know. We we're just thinking it's really cool you and Grey is talking .. via infra red" he's stuttering, he can't even look straight into my eyes he's eyes are glued in the floor as if searching for a missing penny.

i slowly walked towards them and drop my hands in their table, i grasp loudly so they can sense that i'm pissed

"so you all tought we're idiots, right young boy?" i said calmly as i stared deeply at the eyes of this bullshit dude

"yea-- ahh NO! ofcourse not" he said, damn this jerk how can he be so obvious?!

i'm about to threw a punch on his face when Grey interupted us and said

"Red you never change. You're still short tempered haha" SERIOUSLY!! what is his problem?! i'm starting to forget that he's my brother

"YAAAH! are you deaf?! did you even hear what he said?! He insulted us and HE JUST CALLED US IDIOTS! i'm about to defend our ego here but you interupted..great THANKS TO YOU MR. NICE GUY!" i said sarcastically

and the crowd started laughing out loud like I just said a very rare joke

he just smiled at me, packed his things, patted my shoulder then left me, dumbfounded!

what the fck was that?! 

"Blue is waiting for us in the canteen." He said, at the mention of the name of my fvcking brother my blood reach it's boiling point. I clench my fist 'wait for me right there jackass you'll be having a hard time fixig your damn face!' 


"Get out of my way Grey!" i said calmly

"NO GREY! Please I'm begging you. Noooooooo T.T" Blue said while hiding his face at grey's back


"What? you're going to go to his side now?! this is bullsh*t. I can't believe you jut abandoned me" i said with dismay

"Will you shut up the both of you! I am not on his or your side. Seriously you guys are so annoying. Everyone is looking at you aren't you embarrased? What if one of mom's stuff will see you acting like these? I bet she's going to tell to that old man. I could care less if you kill each other as long as I am not involved." grey said matter of factly.

We stayed silent.

No one dares talked.

We're really afraid of that OLD MAN.

Well, not that totally afraid like he's a ghost or a killer.

But because he holds our future, our inheritance, our bank accounts comes after his name, lands that we will inherit from him, companies, hotels, mansions, islands, cars and so on. 

SEE?? That's why he earn our respect and he's presence is our weakness.

"You're right. We should stop this. I don't want to lose my inheritance for pete's sake" blue said while pulling the chair beside grey's side. Grey is 

reading again, the same book jeez 'what's with you Mr. bookworm!'

"i swear when i recieve my inheritance, you'll get my sweetest revenge." i said looking directly in blue's eyes. I also pulled the chair beside grey, we still have many things to talk about.

"Then i'll wait for that. Oh wait I have some news, I saw a flyer at the stadium ... looks interesting so I took a picture of it. Wanna see?" blue 

He browse his cellphone and then gave it to us

"CARMELITES' NIGHT: PROM IS COMING. DO YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR DATE? What's this? Are you fucking kiddng me? this is such a GAY! I can't believe you called this 'interesting' you're so lame" I  said between my gritted teeth. Seriously he is so stupid!

End of Red's POV

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