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Sorry guys, this chapter is gonna be a bit more backstory :-/ but its basically so the next chapters can be all action, instead of random bits of explanation. Sorry if it's boring!
Stampy's POV

He quickly told everyone his plan.

"OK, so if we all went at once, we'd obviously be detected straight away. So this is more of a stealth attack. Amy knows how to get in, and we need Netty to be in there as well. However, we'll need a couple of people to help free everyone else. But freeing people would take time, and we'd almost certainly be spotted. So, after the first, small group came in, a larger group would come in and attack."

"So who'd be in which group?" Aliya asked.

"Well, the first group has got to be as small as possible. I'm suggesting Netty and Amy."

"No. I'm coming" Squid suddenly replied, his voice carrying to the back of the room.

"Why not? We can look after ourselves." Amy retorted.

Stampy shushed them, and said "I think it's a good idea, just in case."

"So," he continued "Amy, Netty and Squid sneak in. Once they're in, Aliya will teleport Lee and I, and together, we'll free the others. But, the second we teleport away, everyone else, you attack. I think Sylvia should be in charge of the attack group- but don't spawn any googlies in until you're inside, they'll just slow you down. Once we've freed everyone, we'll run back outside, hopefully past you guys. If not, Aliya can pick you up. Any questions?"

The shocked group was stunned into silence as they tried to take it in. Well, silent, apart from Aliya.

"How will I know when to teleport you guys in?" She asked.

"Just keep teleporting to Netty until she finds the others. Any other questions?"

Netty grinned, and replied "When do we start?

Murmurs filled the room, and one person shouted

" Can you go through the plan again please?"

Stampy sighed, smiled, and then said

"Amy, Squid and Netty..."

The person raised their hand and asked

"Which one's Amy? And Squid?"

Stampy sighed again.

"The mermaid, the squid and the pink cat go into the evil king's base. They find my friends who've been kidnapped. The teleporter teleports me, the cat, and the bear in there. You guys attack the evil king and his soldiers whilst we free our friends and the hypnotist. Then,fight our way out. Got it?"

The person nodded.

"Alright then. Let's get to work."

Hey peeps thanks for reading! Please VOTE and COMMENT! Oh, and are these chapters really short compared to my earlier ones or is that just me?I'll try and make them longer.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys something. I have loads of ideas for books, MAC and others, but I dunno if I should start writing any of them? Cos it'll mean I won't have as much time to write this, but I want to write a varietyof stuff.... So what do you guys think? I'd be really grateful if you told me in the comments.

Update 1: 1.2k views!!!! ERMAGOODNESS!!  Thank you soooooo much everyone, I luv you!!

Update 2: guys I just noticed two of my chapters are called CHAPTER 9! Whoops! I've changed it now, bht some of the author's comments might be a bit wonky...

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