blunt pencils

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note: here's a little inbetween drabble that i wrote very quickly and havent proof read. gerards art makes me feel emotional.

"can i come in?" you called, leaning against the heavy door to gerards office. "yeah, 'course". you opened the door and saw gerard hunched over his desk, with only his lamp on to light the room. "i brought you coffee," he took the mug you gave him and set it down on top of a stack of sketch books. he patted his lap signalling you to sit there. "c'mere" he mumbled. once you'd sat down, he wrapped his arms around your waist  and cuddled you tightly. "it's so cute when you do this." he said while nuzzling into the side of your neck. you turned your head to face him, and you pecked his lips gently, thanking him in a way that needed no words. "look, whaddya think?" he pointed at some of the drawings on his desk. he never failed to amaze you with his talent in literally every single thing he did. "shit, gee, you're so good at drawing.." you said, half under your breath. "this one reminds me of us." he said while showing you what looked like 2 people facing one another, covered in blood. you were speechless. it was so gerard, the style, the concept, everything. "i, i really love this." you managed to squeeze out. gerard took a sip of his coffee and smiled, the bags under his eyes speaking volumes. you just sighed and snuggled into him more. "spend less time working yourself to the bone please." you said and poked his belly. his chuckle vibrated through your body in the most wholesome way possible. "i'll try, i do love doing this you know, i wouldn't do it if i really hated it." "yeah, but you love it TOO much. i get kinda fucking lonely sometimes!" gerards rolled his eyes like he was an angsty teenager again. "you liar, i spend so much time with you." you smiled, knowing damn well he spent days right by your side. "i still miss you." once again, he sighed, this time defeated by your big doe eyes that he couldn't bear to ignore. he hugged you tighter, and you hugged him just as tightly back.

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