Chapter 13

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Ren woke up especially early today to prepare his things and use the mana book Shin bought for him yesterday.

He took out the book and in the cover were various writings in gold that looked like some sort of seal.

'so I just have to open the book right'

After he opened it, nothing really happened. But just when he was about to give up, a blue light shot out from it, enveloping his body with it for a few seconds.

With all the flashy lights he had some hopes of getting a decent amount in mana.

Since today is the weekend, he didn't have to take care of Shin. It was perfect for going out.

He wore a simple white collared shirt and some dark blue trousers. He wondered if he could turn the brooch to a necklace some other time. Since he can't even wear it visibly.


-Shin's Room

Although and Aria will still pass by Lotriare's household to go to the capital, Shin wanted to be the one to pick her up for once.

He just wore his usual clothes, and fixed his hair.

At breakfast, he noticed that Ren wasn't there but didn't think too much about it.

He told his family beforehand that he was going to pick Aria up before going to the capital. As they were childhood friends, none of them really objected.

"I don't need servants to come with me" Shin said before leaving


Just as Ren was about to leave as well, he heard some maids gossiping.

"My! The young master going to Miss Aria's place? It's on the opposite side of their destination"

"That's what you call a true gentleman!"


Ren couldn't possibly hide in the carriage for that long. So there was only one choice

He had to jump on the carriage when it's moving to the capital.


"Sigh....what a great way to start the day" he helplessly said

He decided to loiter around the garden near the gates close to a big statue which was a great place to use Sylvie's Brooch.

Finally, about after 20 minutes or so, a familiar carriage appeared.

He quickly went behind the statue



Sylvie's Brooch is activated

Time remaining : 50 minutes

'not too bad, an additional 20 minutes' he thought to himself

He waited just for the right time and dashed towards the carriage. He immediately out his foot near the baggage area and with one hands grabbed the holder for the lantern.

'I thank the original Ren for this fit body, or else I'd die from exhaustion. And the mission hasn't even started yet!'


[Inside the carriage]

"You didn't have to go all the way to my place Shin, we could've just met at your place since it's closer!"

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