Chapter 14

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Ren followed Shin, who was probably heading to Aria and the tsundere bastard

It was quite awkward along the way

When they got there, Aria ran to Shin to check if he's okay while the tsundere, Alex, was leaning on a wall near an alleyway.

"I'm okay Aria, just a little tired. Could you cast a healing spell on me?" Shin said while smiling

"Of course! Sit down on this bench so I can take a better look, I'm so glad you're okay"

Because she was so focused on Shin, she didn't notice Ren

By the time Shin was finished healing, Ren was about to leave. It was obvious in Shin's eyes that he was walking sluggishly, due to mana depletion.

But then, a warning from the system appeared


- Warning : If the protagonist of this world dies, host will die as well

"-what the"

After reading that, a shadow from the direction Shin and Ren just came from appeared.

It was heading towards Alex.

Shin noticed and threw his body in front of Alex, preparing to take the blow

Ren was terrified of the system's warning from happening


He quickly went in front of Shin and tried finding off the shadow.

It was another infected, a fast one at that.


Ren looked down and saw a hole in his stomach

"....this wasn't part of the plan"

Alex didn't realize what happened until she saw the hole on Ren's body

He fell down right after

Seeing this, Shin was shaking

He pulled out his sword from the scabbard and prepared to attack

"You son of a bitch!" He shouted

He kicked the infected and used his aura to slice him. He was full of rage.

Then, another one came out and tried to attack Alex again.

Both girls were petrified with shock.

This didn't help Shin one bit.

He swiftly changed direction and sent his aura forward like a large blue arrow piercing the infected's head. Black blood splurted out its body.

He was already out of breath from the last battle, and had to exert more strength this time.

' hurts so fucking much. It hurts. It hurts.
But if I didn't change the direction of the attack and it hit Shin...I'd still side'

Shin quickly went to Ren's side

"What the fuck are you doing Aria! Heal him or he'll die!" He said with rage

Aria was shocked, Shin never used that tone with her before

But she knew what had to be done. She quickly went to Ren and started healing him. He was slowly recovering, but....

".... it's not enough" Aria said with a shaking voice

"Just fucking try harder!" All the calmness in Shin disappeared hearing this

"Why...did you do that, you don't even have anything to protect yourself with so why..." Shin murmured

Alex didn't say anything and stared at this scene. She took out something from her bag and tossed it to Shin.

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