Chap 23 Liberations PART 2

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Authors Notes: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. We are now very close to the climax of act 1. Sorry for the late updates, work and life in general is hectic to find time to write. But, the story will be finished. Also, those who are listening to audiodrama of this story, that too will be continued. Just bear with me to get it done. Lastly, if you do enjoy the story, what really motivates me to stay up late and write, to put in the time is your comments. I'm always looking to grow. Thanks so much and see you next time.

Chapter 24

Liberations: Part 2

Sylmoor kicked their pale horse to quicken its pace, for there would be no turning back now. Zelda and her Lord were on a collision course straight for the clashing war beneath the daunting castle.

The morning was unusually chill for summer, or so it seemed to Zelda. The breeze carried a heavy dew of frost that crystalized lightly in the wind. And as they rode off racing faster and faster toward the city, she felt the brisk air slap her face. The cold air was fierce, sinking past her riding cape and deep into her bones.

She couldn't help herself but wonder if that was truly the reason why she felt so cold, or if it was the doubt and fear from before, overcoming her thoughts, and penetrating her from head to toe with an icy feeling. Perhaps something terrible might have happened up ahead of them that she had yet to find out?

Just ahead, beyond the wall, the advancing line of cavalry stormed the first set of districts of the abandoned city of kings. The area they approached had already been made safe of all enemy threats, and a surreal scene played out before them as they entered.

Sylmoor jerked back the reins of his horse for just a moment, the animal abruptly rearing up on his hind legs. The princess, jolted by the sudden rough stop, nearly found herself sliding off.

Sylmoor swiftly twisted himself to apologize, grasping for her hand before she could manage to fall.

"So sorry, my liege! It's just... I'm not used to riding for two," he said from the corner of his mouth in a short breath, turning attention to focus on where they were. His green eyes searched the entire area around them, gazing back and forth, far and wide, looking beyond the once-upon-a-time settlements that lay in ruin. "I'm afraid I don't see your knight..."

Zelda acknowledged his apology quickly as she shook herself from her fall, even as she began scanning through and beyond the crumbling buildings for a better view. The pair were just beyond the decimated city wall, where the colossal explosion erupted. Massive debris from the destroyed fortifications lay scattered in all directions. All that remained were the remnants of a dead and empty warzone. Corpses of both friend and foe littered the ground, though most were from the ranks of the foul beast that had stolen her homeland, which was some small comfort to the princess.

"I don't see him either!" she confirmed in a holler, repositioning herself on the horse, hand over her face. Shielding her eyes from the brightness of the sun, she glanced in all directions, desperately trying to scout for her hero.

"He may have ventured to the castle, where the battle is to be!" she spoke, followed by immediately shouting as politely as she could to a nearby cavalryman attempting to clear the debris and corpses from the pathway. "You there, soldier! How many have we lost so far in the battle?"

Her stomach tied into a knot, anxiously waiting for him to reply. Seconds felt like minutes.

The middle-aged man tore away his helmet from atop his head, and his long blonde hair was soaked from battle, soiled by blood and sweat. Whether it be his own or from the vicious and cruel beasts that now lay slain around them could not be discerned. Quickly, he gazed around and shouted an order to another. The other man was closer to the wall, piling the dead in the immediate vicinity alongside a few comrades. "Corporal, how many have we found so far of our own!? Her majesty would like to know the number!"

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