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"Hansung come back here you little fuck!" Taehyung yelled as he followed his brother outside, running.

It was already a few days after Hansung and Jungkook's dorm switch and boy was Jungkook really pissed that day but just as expected, Taehyung and Jungkook fucked all night until the younger can't walk nor feel his legs.

So why did Taehyung called his brother a little fuck while chasing him? It's because Hansung took Taehyung's fries. You know just normal things.

"Just let me have it!" 


The two were too busy bickering and running around, they didn't see Jungkook in front of them. 

Hansung and Jungkook let out a groan as they both fell on their butts, spilling the fries everywhere "Dude you okay?" Taehyung asked as he approached his brother with a stifle laugh.

"Yup… yup I'm okay" "That's karma for your bitch ass" the older one snickered, making Hansung roll his eyes. He stood up, dusting himself off then looked at Jungkook, reaching his hand out to him "Come on. Take my hand" 

Jungkook glared at his hand but took it anyway, standing up "Can't you watch where you two were going?" he grumbled "I would if this idiot wasn't chasing me around everywhere and just let me have his fries, which of course is now on the ground" he sighed.

"And uh… I'm sorry for bumping into you" Hansung added "What are you doing here anyway?" Taehyung asked "To buy food duh. Your fridge barely has anything in it" 

"Oh yeah. Haha" Taehyung awkwardly laughed "Tae how about you accompany Jungkook buying food and maybe some other stuff. I have to head back with your antidote"

"You serious? You do know what happens if we get close to each other" Jungkook butted in, crossing his arms "You can always have some distance while doing so" Hansung tsked. "Yeah and we'll look like idiots in the store" 

"Oh deal with it and ignore your hormones" The brown-haired male snickered and left the two males to sort out their problem "Has he always been like that?" Jungkook asked, watching the other male walk further away from them "Yeah he is" Taehyung chuckled "Come on let's go buy some things for us" he added.

The two ended up enjoying their day at the store after a few bickering and 'keep your distance from me' warnings from the both of them. The older would sometimes tell jokes and Jungkook would do impressions that made Taehyung laugh so loud that Jungkook had to come closer to him and cover his mouth with a small giggle of his own.

Throughout their whole time in the mall, buying groceries, the two didn't even notice that they had lost their distance but surprisingly, nothing happened as they ignored the fact that their shoulders would bump against each other sometimes.

"Hey wanna grab some food while we're still here? This grocery thing is making me hungry" Taehyung suggested. "Yeah sure" 

They ended up eating at a restaurant called Kaizen. A Japanese restaurant. They ordered a lot of food, talking to each other as if they were never enemies that messed up a project and are forced to stay together for who knows how long.

"So I told Yoongi, once someone curses, it cannot be undone hyung and besides you always curse when you're beside him" Jungkook laughed, placing his chopsticks down "You serious? Yoongi got mad at you just because Jimin cussed?" "Yup he did. I remember everyone showering Jimin with holy water and stuff" Taehyung said with a laugh. 

The two finished eating and paid for their meals before heading out with their groceries "Let's head back. I'm tired" Jungkook said "Yeah sure" the two walked back on their way to the dorm. A comfortable silence between them.

It was already five in the afternoon and the sun slowly set, creating a beautiful canvas in the sky. 

Jungkook can't help but glance at the older who was looking at the sky now and then. He didn't really notice how handsome the older was, due to their constant fights. He saw a small scar on Taehyung's cheek. It was when Jungkook constantly pushed the poor boy around. He felt a small guilt building up but his ego wouldn't let him apologize. Not yet.

It made him wonder why Taehyung didn't fight back now that the Taehyung he thought he knew was just a facade. He could easily have told him to piss off but the older always takes the hit.

"Hey you good?" Taehyung asked, snapping Jungkook out of his state "Huh? y-yeah I'm fine" he replied "If you say so."

They arrived at their dorm, opening the door and putting the groceries at the counter before Taehyung threw himself at the couch with a tired groan "Good thing we ate first" Jungkook chuckled, looking at the tired Taehyung who nodded in agreement.

"Hey can you go to my room and go get my clothes? I'm too tired to stand up and my towel too" Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully but did as he was told anyway "Whatever you say lazy ass" "Fuck you" 

Jungkook chuckled and opened the door to Taehyung's room. He entered the older's room which is actually full of drawings, posters and photos with his friends and brother "It's so weird that we have the same circle of friends" he said to himself as he looked at the framed photo before going to the older's closet.

It was neatly organized. From Gucci branded clothes, to ties and to his uniforms. Jungkook shook his head and grabbed some comfortable clothes for the older and a towel that was neatly placed.

A thud was heard from below him. He looked down and saw a wooden box. He picked it up and examined it 'Should I open it?' he thought 'No it's his. I shouldn't be snooping around' he placed the box back from where it belonged and closed the closet before walking out.

Still, he can't help but be curious about what's in that box.

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