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He opened his eyes. Everything was white. Younghyun couldn't move. He felt numb. The last thing he could remember was Sungjin pairing him and Jae.

He then blinked and was now standing in the middle of a white room with someone on the seat before him.

'Where am I?' he asked himself

"Kang Younghyun right?" the person? said while looking at him, with a book in his hand.

"Y-yes..." Younghyun replied, looking around. There wasn't a single furniture except the seat.

"You did great! With your tasks and missions." he mentioned and clapped at him. Younghyun just gave them an awkward smile.

"Thank you i guess...Who exactly are you?" Younghyun asked

"Oh me? I'm the head cupid, and you are one of the best connectors we've had." Cupid said and stood up from his seat.

Younghyun then immediately bowed

"No need to bow." Cupid said making him stand up straight.

"Why am I here?" Younghyun asked again

"Well physically you are in a hospital right now but this is just a vision in your mind." Cupid explained

"I'm sorry but you still didn't answer my question." Younghyun said

"Oh sorry, you're here because you are finally mortal. You have a soulmate to spend the rest of your lifetime with, right?" Cupid stated

"I do. But how did you pair me with Jae?" Younghyun asked

" You guys had good chemistry right when you two met. And I knew you've been wanting to experience loving someone. So I gave you that and there you go!" Cupid said and smiled

"Thank you!" Younghyun said

"By the way, even if I said that you two had good chemistry doesn't mean that you two won't fight. All couples do, so I want you two to be understanding of each other and hopefully you two will be each other's finale." Cupid said and winked which made Younghyun chuckle

"Thank you again" Younghyun said

"No need to thank me, I hope you enjoy your life being mortal now Younghyun! It pained me to watch you throughout the decades." Cupid frowned at the things he saw Younghyun go through.

"I forgot to ask, will my memories be erased?" Younghyun asked

"Such a curious guy. Oh no, that's just nonsense. That only happens when you die. Although you wouldn't have this conversation in your memory." Cupid explained

"Go now child" Cupid said and pushed him

"I am not a chi-" Younghyun said and white faded into black.

He felt numb again, but he's slowly gaining his consciousness.

"YOUNGHYUN!" He heard a shout

"Huh? what?" Younghyun said softly and slowly opened his eyes to see a crying Jae beside him.


Hi! so i actually wanted to update this yesterday but i feel like i need to check it again and again to make sure that i'm satisfied with the chapter and that there were no misspelled words.

that's that! i hope you guys liked this and see you on thw next one bye bye!!!

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