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It's been 5 days since Jae went to Younghyun's house. In those days they've been texting and sometimes call at midnight. Since Younghyun is better, he goes back to work and luckily Jae didn't catch his cold.

Right now it's a day off for the cafe crew, sadly Wonpil and Seungmin have to keep the library open.

"Don't worry! The day after tomorrow it's time for the library crew to take a day off." Younghyun said to Wonpil through the phone.

Now a new task has been assigned to Younghyun. He has to pair 5 couples, good thing they gave him a list this time. Unlike last time they gave him 5 pairs too and they didn't give a note. Younghyun forgot one couple but sadly they have turned 30 by the time he remembered. He admits that it was his fault, Younghyun tries to forget that memory up until now.

'Okay! First couple of the day.' Younghyun said to himself

"Let's see..." He said looking at the list.

He put it back in his pocket then checked his compass.

"Ah that way!" Younghyun said to himself. He ran to the direction it pointed and found himself back to the park near the neighborhood and a convenience store.

"Now where?..." He looks around and then his vision turned on and looked at the particular couple standing underneath a tree.

Younghyun ran, pretending as if he was catching something.

"Oops-" He said as he "accidentally" bumped into the guy.

Just as it froze the guy's face was furious, Younghyun laughed at it for a minute then started connecting it. Tying the strings in a know then closing it with his hands as he casted a spell then done. Time went back to normal

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Younghyun immediately apologizes

"What the fuck? I think you did it on purpose!" the guy was clearly angry

"A-ah!" the girl screamed as Younghyun saw the ink slowly appearing. He kind of knew it hurts like getting a tattoo.

"Soojin!" the guy looked at her with concern then that's the time Younghyun ran away. People looked weirdly at him but he just laughed it off.

"Next!" He said to himself as he tried to catch his breath.

'Y'know what let's just walk wherever and let's see if we come across them.' He thought.

Then he started walking in a random street walking past the convenience store and then saw an entrance of a market.

He went inside and saw all of the things they were selling and seeing many restaurants serving raw seafood. He checked his arm and saw it point to a woman. His vision turned on and turns out they actually paired her with a random woman.

"Wahh! Two in a row!" He said he walked towards one of the women and tapped her shoulder then time froze once again.

"Ohh its her!" Younghyun said as he turned to look at the familiar woman who he met weeks ago.

He met her when she was crying at a bench, he talked to her and turns out she was in a relationship before but didn't work out as her past lover already found his soulmate. Younghyun felt sad for her. He comforted her until her cries stopped.

"Wah finally someone paired to her." He said and ties their strings and doing the same method all over again.

Time continued and Younghyun walked away.

'I hope they last long.' He silently wished.


"Last one!" Younghyun said to himself and checked his compass


"north east?" the compass pointed so Younghyun walked to that direction. The sad part about being a soulmate connector is that you can't fucking take a bus and it's much worse if you forgot to take your car.

Yes, Younghyun has a car but he doesn't really use it since his work is pretty close and he only uses it when he would go somewhere far.

He walked for quite a while and finally found the last couple

"There they are."

"Hey-" Younghyun patted the guy's shoulder, gently this time.


He hears a familiar voice but time stopped. The younger looked behind him to see who called him.


And there he was, that hyung.

"Oh my gosh! Jae hyung!" Younghyun exclaimed to himself. He took a step forward but stopped

"Let's finish this first." He said and went back to the soon to be soulmates.

"Wait- actually....." He hesitated

"Okay focus Younghyun! Back to work." Younghyun shook his head and grabbed the two ties and connected it.

Once it was completely connected he actually posed himself to run at Jae's direction.

Time continued and Younghyun began to run towards his hyung.

"Hey Younghyun! What are you doing here?" Jae asked just as Younghyun stoped right in front of him.

"O-oh nothing taking a walk." Younghyun says

"Hey wait did your tattoo just move?" Jae asks

"H-huh?" Younghyun looked at his arm and indeed it did move.

"I swear it's pointing at north last time I saw it." Jae said looking at it suspiciously. Younghyun tried not to move since it would also change the direction of the compass.

'Oh fuck did they just add a new pairing? Fuck! Why did I even wear a t-shirt today!?' Younghyun cursed

"Uhh you must be imagining that hahaha." Younghyun says and quickly covers it up with his hand. 'Wow so obvious Kang'.

Jae seemed to not mind it any more since he was looking somewhere else

"Since we're here....wanna go to this restaurant I saw that had great deals on lobster?" the older asked

"Sure why not?" Younghyun shrugged and walked to a bus stop.

Ayy  I'm back!!!

It has been a while huh?

Welp hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!


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