Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It was Tuesday and getting closer to the Wedding .
Lou had taken Amy's wedding Dress along with hers and the Bridesmaids Dresses to have them steamed to get any creases out.
They would pick them up Friday after Amy's Scan to see how far along she was. Amy couldn't wait to tell Ty after the wedding. They would also collect the Pies like last time except Amy would have Lou with her this time.
Jack came in with the Post.
"Amy, Letter for you, looks important.".
Amy takes the letter wondering who would be sending her a business looking envelope.
"Amy, you gonna open it, could be about your accident ". Lou says.
Amy opens it and see's a cheque stapled to the back of it. She reads the letter and sits there with her mouth open looking at the cheque.
"Amy, how much did they finally give you".
Amy looks at Lou then manages to whisper " 3 million " tears streaming down her face.
"I am so pleased that you got that cuz you deserve it Amy, after all you've been through. "
"How though Lou, I never thought about compensation ".
"Well Me and Lisa got in touch with the Ranch you were at and asked how the other young woman was and apparently she has limited movement in her arm and sued the company who sent the inspector so we got Lisa's Lawyer to act on your behalf after we found you and learned what happened".
"Ohhh thank you Lou, where's Lisa?".
"At Fairfield till tomorrow".
"I'll thank her tomorrow then".

The next morning (Wednesday), Amy was up early and cooked breakfast for everyone, Georgie was the next one up and went to do her chores and then come in for her breakfast which Amy had plated ready for her. Ty was still at the clinic after getting called in yesterday due to a bad accident with a horse and Scott wasn't available.
Jack went to check on the cattle and Georgie went to School, leaving Amy and Lou with Katie and Lyndy. They decided to go through the last checks of what needed to be done. The people were coming on Friday to put up the Marquee with all the lights and bunting ready for Saturday. The flowers and Amy's bouquet were being delivered early Saturday morning. Lou and Lisa had organised the catering. All the items were ticked.
Amy decided to take Lyndy with her to see Ty and tell him what arrived in the post.
When Amy got to the rear entrance to the Clinic she checked all around then phoned Ty to come out the back, Amy was still scared to get out the Truck on her own, she was getting better than she had been but there were to many hiding places and she didn't feel safe.
Ty came out, then Amy got out and helped Lyndy get down from the back seat after unclipping her.
"Hi sweetheart what you doing here, it's a nice surprise ".
Lyndy ran to her poppa and Ty picked her up then gave Amy a hug and a Kiss.
"Well I had some great news this morning in the post and I couldn't wait to share it with you plus I need to go to the bank.".
"Let's go in and you can tell me in the
They walked in and Ty told Cass that they needed to talk privately and went into the office.
"Ty, apparently Lou and Lisa got in touch with the Ranch Where I was working to ask about the other Girl I was working with who got hurt and found out that she sued the company who sent that inspector. So they got Lisa's Lawyer to act on my behalf. I got this in the post, and I had no idea they had done this ".
Amy showed Ty the letter first then gave him the cheque to look at.
Ty sat there mouth open.
"Well, you going to say anything or carry on catching flies". Laughing at Ty's reaction.
"Wow Amy, this is great for you.".
"Your meant to say Great for us ".
"Well it's your money Amy".
"Ty Borden, don't you dare start that nonsense about Money again. This will set US up for our future, a nest egg right".
"Errr, yes if you say so Amy".
"God, your so bloody annoying when you pull this I'm the man and should buy everything crap, come on Lyndy".
Amy walks out the Clinic and goes to the Bank. After they come out Lyndy asks for a milkshake, Amy's so annoyed with Ty's attitude that she forgets about being on her own and takes Lyndy to Maggie's.

When they get back to Heartland Lou can tell straight away that Amy's in a bad mood and sends Lyndy to play with Katie's toys.
"So, why the annoyed look Amy".
Amy explains what happened and tells Lou she paid the money into her private account.
"If he wants to be the man and pay for everything then he can, at least I know I have a nest egg put away."
"So, you haven't fell out with him then".
"Oh no, Just his attitude towards having money, I should of expected it really. He needs to change his attitude because being a Vet means he's going to be around people with money and High End Horses, it also means he is going to be earning big money himself so what's he going to do, give his money away or refuse to go to the rich people. "
"Leave him to me Amy, He needs a dose of reality ".
"Do you mind if I go for a trail ride Lou, I need to do some thinking".
"Yeah, you go. Katie will be home soon".
Amy goes to the Barn and tacks up Spartan then goes out on the trail ride, but not one she takes very often as she doesn't want anyone joining her.
Lou Looked at the clock and noted the time Amy left, 3pm.
Ty came home knowing Amy was not happy with him. He walked in at 5.30 and Lou pounced and asked him to sit at the kitchen table as they needed to talk.
"Right Ty, what is your problem with Amy getting 3 million compensation for what happened to her and spending a year in a Coma, do you actually realize how upset she was when she got back and disappointed at your reaction, she honestly thought you would be happy for her. ".
" I know Lou, I dont know why. I suddenly thought she has all this money and what can I offer her.".
"In other words your the man and should be the provider which is so old fashioned now Ty. What about me and Peter, at the time he owned his own company and what about Grandpa and Lisa, she's worth millions but doesn't cause problems.
If you truly believe it's a problem then you better think about whether you really want to Marry her on Saturday, because she's certainly thinking about it.
"What !!. ".
"She's still loves you madly Ty, but I think she's worried that her having that amount of money will effect your marriage ".
"Where is she Lou".
"She took Spartan on a trail ride to think about things, but I have no Idea which one she took . Actually she should be back by now, it's 6pm and she left at 3pm.".
Just then Jack came in, saying "something smells good Lou.".
"Dinners ready Grandpa, I was just saying to Ty that Amy's not back yet and it's been over 3 hours ".
"Oohh you know what Amy's like , she probably forgot what the time is, let's wait till after Dinner, if she's not back by then we'll go looking for her.".
They had Dinner then went on the Porch for Coffee keeping watch for Amy. Eventually they heard the clip clop of a horse on hard ground and saw Spartan come from one of the back trails minus it's rider.

To be continued

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