Chapter 2 - Headphones

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pew pew goes Peter's finger guns hehehe



Peter's POV

Y/N laughed. I loved her laugh. It filled me with joy.

"How are we supposed to put the headphones on and listen at the same time?" She asked. I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it. She was right. How was I so stupid?

"Doesn't matter, I call first listen!" I exclaimed and snatched the headphones from Y/N.

"Hey! You waited for me to come and listen so I should listen first!" Y/N shouted.

"Never!" I yelled. She laughed and wrestled me for the headphones. I laughed.

"I give up. You win," Y/N sighed. I shook my head.

"C'mon, you had a chance," I replied. She shrugged. I smirked and pulled out another set of headphones. I hooked them up to the walkman. I glanced at Y/N. Her mouth was opened wide and she was frowning. She held her hands up.

"Peter! The hell?!" She fumed. She stared at the headphones. I handed her them.

"Just hurry up and put them on," I urged. Y/N rolled her eyes and did so. I slipped the other headphones over my head and clicked play. We listened.

Talk in song in tongues of lilting grace
Sounds caress my ear
There are not a word I heard could I relate
Story was quite clear

Oh yeah I been flyin'
Love oh ain't no denyin', no
Oh, ooh yea, I been flyin'
Mama, mama, ain't no denyin', no denyin'

I glanced at Y/N after a few minutes of listening. She was fast asleep, her head rested on my shoulder. I chuckled quietly and closed my eyes. I pulled her closer. I'd just move her away before she woke up...

*   *   *   *

I felt movement next to me and my eyes fluttered open. I remembered my arms were around Y/N and I let go. I looked down at her only to see her staring up at me, confused.

"You okay, Peter? Do you sleep with stuffed animals or something?" Y/N joked. I shook my head and smiled.

"Whatever. You should probably get going, it's getting pretty dark," I mentioned. She nodded.

"Probably," Y/N responded. I took the headphones off and so did Y/N. I got up.

"You want a twinkie before you go?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm good," she answered. She ran her fingers through her hair like a brush. She hugged me and I hugged back, eating the twinkie I had just opened. She started to leave but flashed me a quick smile. "Cya, Peter." I smiled back and waved softly. Then she left. I fell to the couch and turned on the TV. Yes, I'm a dummy. I have a thing for Y/N, even if she doesn't have the same thing for me. That's okay. I don't know if I'd go so far to marry her- nevermind, I'd go that far. What's not to like about her? She's perfect. Just as long as she doesn't freak out at my mutant powers. Then I can move forward with her.

*   *   *   *

Your POV

I fiddled with my fingers on my way home. My stomach felt weird. I'd felt this before with someone else but not like now. It was big. Part of me wanted to make it go away. Part of me wanted it to stay and consume me. But why? I don't like Peter Maximoff. I never will. That would ruin everything. I had stared at him for a while after waking up. Maybe a couple of minutes. He looked so cute just sleeping. With his arms wrapped around me. Would he do that to me again if I were his girlfriend? I bet he'd do it all the time if I were his girlfriend. Not that it would work out since I'm a mutant. Luckily he doesn't know. What does it matter anyway? I don't like him. Not at all. Maybe a little. Or- not at all, remember?

My house was dark as I stepped inside. I flicked the light switch and the lights turned on. I threw my bag down and took my shoes off. I went upstairs to take a shower. Maybe that would help clear my head. I was also kind of stinky. I needed one. I turned on the shower to hot. I stared at myself in the mirror as the shower heated up. More acne. Blagh. I hate it. More skincare products to buy. I got into the shower.

Mom must be working late again. That's fine. I'll make dinner. What to choose? I frowned as I looked through the stash of food in the fridge. In the end, I chose chicken noodle soup. When my mom came back from work she'd have warm soup to make her feel better. Perfect. I cooked it, my mind still racing over a few things. Mostly Peter Maximoff. We hit off right away when we became friends. I loved it. If only more people understood Peter and liked him. He's amazing

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