Chapter 9 - Talk

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yall bouta do some talking
my stomach hurts



No One's POV

Hank, Peter, Jean, Scott, Kurt, Raven, Moira, and Y/N stood together in the backup academy.

"We don't know much about this guy. Are we sure this is how we should work things out?" Jean asked. Hank sighed.

"Do we have any other options?" He asked. It stayed silent until Y/N spoke up.

"Well... Are we sure it's a good idea for some of us to split up? I mean, we don't know how strong they are," she mentioned. Scptt stared at her.

"We know how strong we are and that's all that matters," Scott stated. Y/N nodded.

"So we're good here?" Hank questioned. Everybody nodded. Y/N let out a small 'yep'. "Perfect. We leave in soon." 

Everyone except for Y/N and Peter left. Y/N looked up at him.

"You wanted to talk?" Peter asked, crossing his arms. Y/N nodded.

"Yeah. I guess to start off, how are you?" She asked. Peter thought for a moment.

"I'm okay. Thought I'd come back, guess I came back at the right time," he answered. 

"Yeah, I got back just as it exploded," Y/N mumbled. Peter hugged me.

"I'm glad you weren't in the building when I got her. Though it would've been fun to be your savior," he winked. Y/N laughed and punched him softly in the shoulder.

"God, I've missed you," she smiled. 

"So, uh, a little birdy told me you yelled my name when you woke up," he raised his eyebrows. Y/N's eyes widened and her cheeks lit up, pink. 

"And if I did?" She crossed her arms. Peter chuckled.

"Nothing, nothing." He shrugged. Y/N took a deep breath. 

"Now that that's over with, I have one... Two important things to say," Y/N started, "first off." She turned around to one of the corners. "You three, stop spying on me and Peter!" There was a shuffle of movement and Kurt yelled 'sorry' as they left. Y/N shook her head and smiled. 

"What's the next thing?" Peter asked. Y/N turned back to him.

"Right. Look, Peter, I'm really sorry for not coming back. And- and I feel so selfish and guilty because I basically just left you! Left you all alone, by yourself. I just thought it was better for me to be at the academy because everyone at home hated mutants. I also thought I could become stronger," Y/N admitted. Peter frowned and put his hands on her shoulders.

"How long have you been saying these things to yourself?" He questioned her. She bit her lip softly.

"...A week after I woke up, when I was asked what I would do," she muttered. 

"None of what you just said is true. I understand, I fully understand. You're my best friend. I'm not just going to leave you in the dust because you wanted to help yourself for once. You're the most caring person I've ever met. You actually give two shits about me. Go do what you want in your life, Y/N. I shouldn't be the reason you can't. Unless you'll get hurt, of course," Peter explained. Y/N's eyes glimmered. But then she mouthed the word 'best friends' to herself. Were they more than that? Her heart sank in her chest a little, which caused her to fumble with her next words.

"S-so, Peter. That w-was to lead u-up to this speech, I mean talk." She stuttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "When I, um, tried to... kiss you, why did y-you- you try to kiss me back?" Peter didn't think Y/N realized. He sucked in a lot of air and then blew out.

"Shit. I didn't think you saw. Uh, I was going to save this for some other time but... Y/N. I really like you. Like really fucking like you. Right before you started crushing on Dereck, that's when I started to. I- fuck," Peter cursed. Y/N was processing everything slowly. Her mouthed opened in shock.

"WHAT!? Since DERECK?!" She shouted. Peter clasped a hand over my mouth.

"Yes, Dereck. That guy," he chuckled. Y/N licked my hand and I pulled it away from her.

"I can't believe you. That's why you kept avoiding me," she laughed. Peter shrugged.

"Now you know about me. I wanna hear from you," he stared at her.

"Mhm. Well, back then I didn't have feelings for you. But about a week or two before Charles and his crew showed up, I started feeling weird around you. Like clammy hands and butterflies type feeling. I didn't really believe it at first because you were my best friend. It seemed weird at the time. But I realized. I like you. Like like you." Y/N bit the insides of her cheeks.

Your POV

"So you won't care if I-?" Peter asked.

"If you wha-" I started before something touched my lips. It was his lips. They were soft and warm as they brushed over my lips. Peter cupped my cheeks as he kissed me. I kissed back immediately and instinctively put my hands on his shoulders. He used a hand to pull me closer. I melted into his kiss. His touch warmed me. I felt like my knees lock together. I opened my mouth for one second and he slipped his tongue in. He explored my mouth, taking in every taste he could. His kisses had started to move to my chin when-

"Holy shit- They're making out! What did we miss?!" Jean yelled. We immediately let go of each other and Peter whistled quietly. I looked down, my cheeks flushed. I looked like a tomato. I glanced at Kurt to see if I could get help but he smirked. I frowned at him when...

"Time's up. Let's go, we're running out of time here. You two won't be able to kiss each other anymore if we're one second late," Hank commanded. We nodded and everyone followed.

Well here we go.

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