Chapter 3: blush party

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( Writers Note: So, this chapter is for someone special who just loves HamBurr. Ali you make everything so much fun and I care about you so much, you're the person who actually finds interest in this story so thank you, I love and care for you always )

       Warning: this chapter deals with  smoking and drinking.

~ Aaron's POV ~

Oh god, I totally forgot about Angelica's party and that Alexander,Lafayette, with John are gonna pick me up. But to be honest I don't really blame myself because of how much parties I'm invited to by people at my school ( zero parties if you were wondering ) I decided to put on my leather black jacket with my black ripped jeans with some black and white shoes to keep it matching even though Lafayette texted me that their coming. Soon after I put on my clothing a honk comes from outside, I peek out my bedroom window and see a light blue car with Lafayette driving and John sitting in the passengers seat that meant Alexander was at the backseat and that also means I have to be sitting next to him again. Ever since I got Alexander's phone number things between me and him have been confusing ( to me at least ). But enough about me and Alexander, I rushed downstairs then outside going over to the car and Lafayette unlocking the door quickly. I move into the backseat next to Alexander, though he was looking out the window and didn't seem to notice I entered in the car. But John quickly turns to me "B-B-Burr! What up?" My heart stopped over how loud John was but I kinda got used to it since I've been hanging out with Peggy as well ever since our little meet at 7/11. But I said the most dumpiest response "NOTHiNG MuCh, YOu?" Alexander jumped and looked who was the weirdo sitting next to him ( which is me ) John just bursted out laughing and pushed Lafayette playfully on the shoulder "John..I love you but why are you so annoying?" Lafayette asked him but John was still laughing at my response while Alexander just did a sigh of relief "Well hello Long legs." Alexander said with a teasing tone but my blush blew out 'Oh yeah...nicknames.' John glances over to us once more as Lafayette continues to drive once I was settled in "You guys have nicknames now, huh?" John smirked at both of us and Alexander nodded quickly before I could speak up about the nicknames I really don't wanna be called Long Legs by Alexander in front of John and Lafayette. "Also, Aaron." My gaze keeps focus on John with annoyance showing instead of a dull gaze "You look kinda badass.." after John..compliments me(?) Alexander turns to look at my clothing then keeps looking..not really taking his eyes off. John keeps his smirk while looking at the both of us "Um..thank you John." John nods with respect before turning around looking out his window. Alexander was just still looking at me "Staring much?" I asked with a slight hint of warmth of getting Alexander back from last time "Hm?" Alexander looked at me like he was innocent or something..his eyes were just soft and gentle once I caught him "..never mind.." my gaze quickly turns away with a soft feeling rising up with warmth as well. I could already tell Alexander was probably doing a cocky smile or something like that he's childish for sure and sometimes annoying but why do feel this warmth suddenly coming back.
Soon enough we arrive at the party and I could already tell half of the school was there. Lafayette parks the car and I already feel regret but John just takes out his pack of cigarettes ( he was keeping the pack in his hoodie pocket I'm pretty sure ) we all get out of the car, my heart was pumping so much but I just had to deal with it. John and Lafayette were walking in front Alexander slowly coming closer to the two while I was walking far behind wanting to be the last one inside the large house that was Angelica's. I've been to her house when we were dating but coming back is just a punch in the face of memories that are better forgotten. At this point Lafayette was knocking at the door and guess who opened it up, Eliza. Me and her haven't gotten as close ever since 7/11 meet because Lafayette kept stealing her attention which I didn't really care. "Oh! Hey guys!" Eliza was holding a red cup with a bright smile, do I wanna know what's in that cup? Not really but I have some guesses "Come in! The party started earlier but I'm sure you guys don't care about that." She keeps her tone nice and welcoming as Eliza moves out of the way so we could walk in. Now I keep looking around at all of the teenagers and such..crazy things weren't really happening but I could tell things were about to get wild any minute, the music was just loud and annoying but I didn't want to complain with my voice instead with my thoughts. I begin to walk around as the lights were turning all kinds of colors, the music slowly became more soft and quiet once I was alone once again and slowly walking away from the group. That's when my eyes caught the stairs I begin to walk up those same stairs and look around for that porch this house has that I remember so fondly of but when I finally find it Peggy is already there looking forward at the sky that was dark yet bright with the small amount of stars. A nice night breeze also pushing in and stopping all of the odd things about this party that I agreed to come too, I try and be sneaky by leaving the porch area before Peggy speaks with a full dull and lifeless tone "Is that you Aaron?" She asked, not turning around to see how awkward I looked " um.. yeah, it's me.." Peggy soon looks at me her hair completely a mess..I could already tell that this night was not the best for Peggy
"you okay?"
"Um..yeah, just a headache that's all..."
We stayed silent for a moment before Peggy spoke
"Are you planning on drinking or smoking...or something.."
"No, I'm not planning on doing anything crazy tonight."
My voice was deep and cold because I didn't really want to be here. The only reason why I'm here is because of Alexander- Wait what am I saying? I'm here for me! I'm here to have fun..
"Why are you here Aaron?" Peggy asked the question that I was fearing but I answered a question with another question "Why do you ask?" She did a giggle then snort before speaking again "Well, like, you hate these kinds of places! You never like anything that has to do with people. At least that's what you told me and John when we were hanging out." That was true what I told the two of them while being a third wheel but I had to respond quick "That's true but-" Peggy moves slightly closer to me with a disappointed expression "Aaron, are you planning to meet anyone tonight? Prove something?"
"Prove something?"
"Yeah, like putting up this act of 'this is totally fine' and lying to everyone about having a good time?"
"No- I just-"
"Then why I come to your ex girlfriends party?"
My heart was so confused because I was supposed to have a answer but I didn't the only reason why I was here was because it was..
"I shouldn't be here..see you later Peggy.." Then I left nothing else was really on my mind when I turned away from Peggy, all that was on my mind was finding the other boys maybe then I'll have some fun and stop thinking so much. I push through the crowd looking around for the two and that's when the bright smoke caught my eye of course it was coming from John just laying on the couch smoking one up. But before I could move forward someone wraps their hands around my waist my head turns to see who's behind me and over my shoulder I see Alexander just coming close. That's when I realize Alexander was probably drunk so that's when I try and move but he keeps the strong grip around me which made me shiver, uncomfortable with the hold before Alexander just chuckled "Aaron..I'm drunk~" he keeps the grip on but my worry for Alexander just went to 100% real quick and that's when I finally grab his hands and remove them from gripping on me and instead letting Alexander lean on me "Oh Alex..." he just chuckles when I say he's name and soon I walk over to John where Peggy was finally there with him she looked a bit better than a few minutes ago..maybe it was just a headache "YO B-" John stopped acting excited when he saw me and Alexander but Peggy was just showing worry "Is he okay?" She asked softly walking over to me and Alexander he's eyes looking weak and tired "Yeah, he's just drunk, should I take him home?" John nods quickly with agreement "When Alexander's drunk he can't be trusted at parties." John kinda laughs but it slowly dies half way through..does this mean I have to take Alexander home? Thankfully, Peggy had my back "Don't worry Aaron, I'll drive us to his place..but can you watch him?" I nod in response to Peggy because that was the least I could do and also because I didn't trust Alexander to be alone with anyone else. Peggy walks over to Angelica and taps her on the shoulder then I see a bright silver like key and she gives it to her the two sisters hug and Peggy runs back over "You need some help?" My response was going to be 'Yes please.' But then I decided that Peggy was already doing too much for me so then I just said "No,no,no it's fine.. let's just get uwu home." Peggy looks at me with pure confusion then a soft giggle but my face went red "Let's just go-" I Huff out with my blush fully on my face still, the heat that comes with blushing is overwhelming odd to me.

Now we're driving drunk Alexander home, he's leaning on my shoulder but I let him this time with no fighting back. Peggy was a slow but smooth driver ( maybe it's because she's driving Angelica's car ) Peggy soon stops at the house with a slight turn of her head "Do you-" I shake my head before her sentence could come out of her mouth "No, it's thanks for the help." Peggy shrugs and just giggles "Don't mention it!" I keep holding Alexander close to me so he doesn't fall or something much worse as I look over at his jean pocket my hand slowly goes in but that made Alexander jump a bit which made it harder to grab the key that was in his pocket. I got the key, unlocked the door, and went inside I began looking around the small house then the stairs "Hey, Alexander..wheres um..your room?" Damn, I sounded so stupid asking a half drunk person where their room is before he just points upstairs. At least he remembers things quickly instead of forgetting everything in a snap, I guide Alexander upstairs and opened the bedroom door to the left side and both of us walk in. I lay Alexander down on his bed before sitting on the edge putting a rest to my face with the palm of my hand. But Alexander gets up and goes to me, putting his hands around my shoulders "Alexander, please don't-" but he just kept it going his movement cut me off because of how nervous I was "Sorry..Aaron.." Alexander said with a soft whisper but that whisper got me feeling all different kinds of ways but I definitely knew that the blush was going back on my face. Why was Alexander doing this? Would he do this with anyone else? Before I could think another question I turn around to face him which made Alexander look deep into my eyes "'re so annoying-" I was cutoff yet again by Alexander, but this time his lips were against mine it felt warm and yet wrong, John did tell me that they were ex's this wasn't a friendly move on Johns part but he had Peggy! The kiss was still going while my thoughts were still running before I stopped it by giving Alexander a quick push my hands are on his chest now but Alexander just laughed and kissed me again on the cheek before he finally stopped but my blush was just overwhelming high at this point. Alexander just lays on his bed, I could tell his headache was getting worse "Is there anything you need..?" that sounds so weird to say after Alexander kisses me twice but he just gave me a shake of his head as an answer to my question. I lay next to Alexander looking up at the ceiling, he had those small lights hanged around the walls that were bright white mixed yellow color of some sort. I was about to turn around and ask Alexander a few questions about the kiss but he was already asleep and seemed to be deep into sleep as well a small went on my face once Alexander began to sleep, I felt my eyes getting heavy and weak before I slowly began to sleep even though I was trying to stay awake but failed. The sounds that came from outside slowly fades away... tomorrow is gonna be something interesting.

( writers note:
Sorry if there's any spelling errors I wanted to get this out before it was too late. And also that I've been busy with my brothers wanting to hang out then my father. Next chapter will be interesting to write so keep calm while waiting lol )

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