Chapter 7 (fully edited) 1897

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It was a dream, somewhat like a dream. I almost felt like it was real, the water splashed up on my body as I surfed, and Lee was on the bank. We must have been in California or something like that. The sun was beaming down on my body and my surfboard. You couldn't see land on the other side of the water. I looked back at Lee, and it was like a dream.

I woke up to peaceful birds chirping outside my window. There must have been five of them. I was about to grab a bird when I realized that Lee was right on the other side of the window. I saw him turn around and give me a dopey grin. He was shirtless and sweaty in his boxers. He opened his window and shouted at me.

"KYLIE, HOW'D YOU SLEEP?" He looked toward me, squinting to avoid the sun. He had no shirt on, which drove me nuts.

"I HAD A GREAT DREAM! HOW ABOUT YOU?" I shouted back at him in my pajamas.

"I HAD A DREAM ABOUT YOU!" He claimed.

"NICE!" I concluded. "WHAT WAS IT?"


"WHY ARE WE LEAVING SO EARLY?" I questioned, confused, and then realized we were shouting.

"IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY, AND I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU" He claimed, trying to get me to go. He begged, so finally, I said,

"OKAY? I GUESS?" I was curious as to what he meant.

I closed the window, and my mom said, "Where do you think you are going at 6 am?

"Oh, just to see Lee, and he is taking me to school," I told the truth; I hoped she would allow me to go. I wasn't trying to lie anymore; it gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Lee? Ooh, la la." She made fun of me, but I didn't care because Lee was my friend. It was not like we were boyfriend and girlfriend yet. However, that would have been a dream come true. Lee wouldn't fall for me, or would he?

"Mom, it's not like that. We are only friends." I explained to her.

"Okay, bring your umbrella and pepper spray, and don't forget you can call me if you need anything!" Mom was acting like the worrisome parent again.

"Okay, mom, I love you." I looked away because I didn't want her to come over by me. Yet, she approached me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too!" Ugh, so embarrassing, and I am sure Lee saw that. What if he didn't want to kiss me because she did?

I couldn't remember what I thought until Lee honked again. I continued thinking." Lee had a dream? Was it the same dream? Was it an "intimate dream?" and then I was laughing inside. How would I ever handle that? I was having a hard enough time handling being best friends with a guy I wanted more from. I was not very good at being a people person.

I laughed and heard another honk. It was his cousin. I'll admit she was pretty, and she was pleasant to me. She acted as if she knew me, and that bugged me. She didn't know much about me, but what if this was an act to get me to trust them? I was scared. What was her motive for acting like this? I was overthinking again.

"Hey, you're Kylie, right." she flipped up her sunglasses and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes, I am," I concluded, squinting because of the scorching sun in my eyes.

"You're Lee's cousin?" I looked her up and down; why did everybody have to look so much better than me? I knew it was his cousin, but I still couldn't help but feel jealous. She had the same eyes.

She smacked her gum as she parked her car. Then, she opened the door, which almost hit me. "Yes, I am; it's Mandy." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Mandy." I was pleased to meet her, but she still seemed fake. She had a style that screamed preppy and had the latest designer clothes. I have never had any good luck with preps.

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