Chapter 8 (fully edited) 1734

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"Hey, I'm just going to inform you that your daughter was in an accident. You should get here as soon as you can," the kind stranger calmly said; however, my mom could freak out at any moment.

"She hung up on me!" Said the bystander. I was pretty sure she was speeding her way there.

It felt like hours before my mom got there. I was lying in the roadway with a scratch on my face. The blood on my camouflage pants had dried. My socks had a bunch of tiny holes from the gravel that had ripped through them.

It was nearly noon, and I was still lying on the road. The scooter wasn't totaled, but it was pretty banged up. Then the ambulance arrived. I was in shock, and my hands would not stop trembling. I had gravel burrowed in my right-hand elbow while I had sprained my wrist. I was covered in bruises on my thighs, and my ankle hurt.

Time just went by so slowly. Two days before my birthday, I was lying, blood dripping off my elbow on the not-yet-paved road.

"Hey, Kylie, it's me, Lee. It's almost 12:10, and you're not here. You're on time normally. Did something happen?" That was the first text message, and that was the beginning.

"Hey, Kylie, it's me, Lee, again, and it's almost 12:20...sorry about bugging you but are you okay?" He persistently texted me, and I didn't answer. I could tell that Lee was starting to worry because he started to spam message me. Normally, It was almost always immediate responses from me. It wasn't a fast reply only when I was studying.

"Kylie, I drove past your house; nobody was home. Where are you?" Lee went into detail, telling me they had finally finished the road.

They had cleared it up, so they wouldn't get in trouble. I couldn't stop Lee from worrying, but I wasn't even focused on him. I was more focused on the elderly doctor. The doctor was standing there, taking a syringe and filling it. His hands had micro-tremors as he grabbed the ambulance crew's bandage to rip it off.

"Ow, that hurt," I said painfully, wincing as the doctor quickly ripped off the wrapping.

"We gotta try that again; I didn't get all the wrappings off." Stupid doctor, I thought to myself. He should not be a doctor if he cannot correctly remove a simple wrapping. Then as the doctor put down the syringe to get the dressing off, he continued.

"Okay, now that we got that off, we can try to get the area clear of gravel," concluded the doctor. I was writhing in pain from the scabs the doctor had just ripped off as I saw my skin dangling by its tissue.

He called me, "Hey, Kylie. Where are you?" He had hoped I was okay; I was quivering and cringing from the pain. The burning sensation was so painful, but it didn't numb my elbow. The skin was hanging on by a thread, and the doctor was waiting for the bowl to sanitize the wound.

"Hey, Lee. This is Mrs.Smith. Kylie and I are in the emergency room." My mom answered the phone and told him in a panicked tone.

I heard a screech over the phone. Lee whipped his car around and sped off towards the hospital, going sixty miles per hour in a thirty-five miles per hour speed zone. I was surprised that there were no cops there.

His friend Alexander took the phone and continued talking, "I'm sorry, but we will talk to you later," my mom concluded, frustrated because of her stress. She did not want to be rude to the doctor and wanted me to focus on the moment and not get too much adrenaline pumping.

"Okay, so what happened?" The doctor questioned as another nurse walked in. The nurse set down a bowl of saline and cleaned up the wound by taking the gravel out of my elbow.

"My daughter Kylie has crashed her scooter, and it looks like she managed to roll in the gravel. I want her checked out and bandaged up." My mom concluded with her mouth shaking, clearly anxious.

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