Author's Notes

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Hello and welcome to the end of this book.

Author's notes have always felt a bit like sacrilege to me, perhaps it's my internet shyness talking, or it reminds me of writing bad fanfiction in middle school, but I digress.

I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has read even a little, and an even bigger thank you to commenters, I look forward to using your criticisms and compliments in the eventual re-write because it's going to need it.

I noticed around chapter nine that I had missed some crucial details that would really have driven the ending home. And I started realizing the world Ellowyn lives in really needs expanding. I considered scrapping it and starting over -I'm notorious for it- but I reminded myself that at some point things don't need to be perfect they just need to be done. 

So here's to the completion of version 1.5 and the beginning of new projects.

Best Wishes Dear Readers,


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