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Jasmine scrunched her eyes tightly shut as she stretched, her arms pulled above her head. She has to get out of bed and make breakfast for herself and her hybrid. Hybrid? Her eyes snapped open as she scampered out of her bed to run to the guest room that she had led Taehyung to last night. She peeked into the room to see a scuffle of bed sheets and a body in the middle of the bed and chuckled to herself. It had been days since Taehyung had been living with her and she still couldn't believe that he wanted to stay with her. She still felt touched whenever she thought about it.

Getting Taehyung to stay in the guest room was a nightmare the first night he arrived. He refused to let her out of his sight, afraid that she would vanish into thin air. And when she finally got him into the bed after he washed up in the bathroom, wearing some of her fathers clothes that she kept spare here, for when her parents would inevitably visit, he wouldn't close his eyes because he didn't want to wake up and find out it was all a dream. So Jasmine stayed beside his bed until he finally dozed off, before she washed up and went to sleep herself. She was exhausted. But it had gotten better over time.

Padding down to the kitchen, she made herself a cup of coffee before taking a quick seat down at the counter.

"J?" A voice called from behind her. Jasmine turned around and saw Taehyung walking toward her, his hair a tousled mess while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Morning, Taehyung. Would you like some coffee?" Jasmine asked, hopping out of her chair. Taehyung's nose wrinkled in disgust. Jasmine laughed.

"Alright, no coffee. Warm milk it is!" Taehyung's eyes sparkled in delight, his tail swishing back and forth behind him.

"What would you like for breakfast this morning?"

"Can we have blueberry muffins? They're my favourite!" Jasmine's eyes widened in excitement.

"No way! They're my favourite too!"

"You used to share yours with me by the forest when I was a little kitten. I think that's the only way I survived when I was younger." Taehyung's stare bore into her.

"O-oh really? How about this, I'll make some bacon and eggs for now and we can go get some blueberry muffins after we go shopping for some clothes for you? I've got the day off today! I've been putting it off for too long now and I think you really do need your own clothes." Taehyung nodded and settled into a seat at the dining table. They quickly ate their food in a comfortable silence - well as comfortable as Jasmine could feel with Taehyung's lingering gaze on her - before Taehyung offered to wash up the dishes.

In the car on the way to the mall, Jasmine asked what she had been dying to ask. "Taehyung, you said you knew me when I was little. Can you tell me how we met? And why you call me J? " He nodded before taking a deep breath.

"It was years ago, I had ran away from the adoption centre and had been running for a long time without stopping. I was scared that they were going to catch me. I was exhausted but kept running through the forest beside the villa when I first noticed the smell of lilies and vanilla, and the sound of laughter. So I walked toward the sound near the edge of the forest. And then I saw you. You were so pretty, your hair was falling down your back and your dress fluttered around you as you chased butterflies before running back and taking a bite from your blueberry muffin. It smelt so good. I must have made a noise because you turned to look at me and offered me some of your muffin and your glass of milk. You really saved my life. Your parents would call you J so that's the only name I knew you by. I visited you every day that summer and you always fed me a little bit of what you were eating but my favourite was definitely the blueberry muffin. And then one day, you were gone." Jasmine was confused, she was sure she would have remembered feeding a boy every day for a whole summer.

"Thank you for telling me, Tae. Hopefully it rings a bell sometime soon." Jasmine said, patting his hand comfortingly. Taehyung flipped his hand over and intertwined their fingers. She looked at him questioningly but he was staring out the window so she let it be.

After hours at the mall, Jasmine and Taehyung were all shopped out. They had bought all different kinds of hybrid-compatible clothing, so his tail wouldn't be uncomfortable, among other things. She was internally thankful to her grandparents for the inheritance they had left her with. Jasmine noticed after a while that Taehyung wasn't attached to her hip or her hand and instead a few steps behind her, which was unusual for the cat.

"Is anything wrong, Taehyung?" Jasmine asked, stopping in her tracks. Taehyung stopped immediately, still a few paces behind her. "Nothing's wrong, J."

"How come you're not walking with me? It feels like I'm shopping alone here."

"I don't want people to look at you wrongly because you're with a hybrid. I can feel their judgement and I don't want you to have to deal with it." Jasmine felt a pang in her chest.

"You don't have to worry about that Tae. I want you to stay with me remember? People can just mind their own business." Jasmine pulled his arm until he was beside her. "There, now walk beside me please. I don't want to be lonely anymore." Taehyung allowed her to begrudgingly, but not before pulling a beret out of one of the shopping bags and pulling it over his ears. Jasmine smiled. At least it was a start, and she couldn't deny how good he looked in the beret. It displayed his forehead and his beautiful eyes.

"J, I want to hold your to hold your hand. Can I?" Taehyung asked, more confident now that his ears were covered. Jasmine frowned lightly. She wanted him to be comfortable in his own skin but she didn't want to push him anymore than she had already.

"Of course! You don't need to ask." He couldn't help the shy smile that crossed his face at her words. Jasmine tried to maneuver all her shopping bags into one hand but Taehyung took them into his other hand before slipping his hand into hers. They walked to the car and put all the shopping bags in before walking into the bakery shop at the front of the mall. Jasmine asked Taehyung to take a seat while she ordered two blueberry muffins and something to drink.

Jasmine settled the drinks and the muffins onto the table and handed Taehyung a muffin before taking a bite out of her muffin. She let out a sigh of satisfaction, closing her eyes and just enjoying the bursting tart flavour coated in sweetness dancing around on her tongue.

Taehyung watched her, licking his lips unconsciously. He had been ignoring it all day - the pull in his stomach from just a waft of her scent. It was driving him crazy but he held it in, he didn't want to scare her. He willed himself to just ignore her sweet, sweet fragrance, but it was really hard. Especially with how she would lick her lips when the muffin crumbled against them, or the way she would pout when she chewed. She was just so pretty. The way her eyes lit up when she talked to him, to the way her hands moved exaggeratedly when she was explaining something, to the way she just accepted him as he was even though he was overbearing. All of it.

A low rumble pulled it's way out of Taehyung's chest before he could stop it. Jasmine paused mid-chew and stared at Taehyung quizzically.

"What's wrong?"

"I like you."

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