Chapter 3 - It's Paul McCartney!

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Julia spent about an hour looking around. Eventually, she sees a person from a faraway distance. As soon as she got closer, her excitement began to build up. "Oh my gosh! It's Paul McCartney!" She said excitedly, but quietly. Julia walks up to Paul and he turns in her direction. "I hope I'm not disturbing you." Said Julia. "You're not, love." Said Paul. "Oh good." Julia said as she rubs the back of her neck. "Are you lost?" Paul asked.

A moment of silence occurred. Julia's cheeks started turning red as she couldn't resist the way Paul looked. "I... uh... I'm not from around here." Said Julia. "Oh. Where are you from?" Asked Paul. "Please don't laugh when I tell you this, but I'm from the future." Julia said. Paul doesn't say anything for a minute. "I don't know what to say, honestly." He said. Julia could feel her bones shaking. "Are you mad?" She asked. "Of course not. In fact, I'm curious. How many years in the future did you come from?" Paul asked. "56 years. I'm from the year, 2020." Said Julia.

Paul's eyes widen. "Wow! That's a long time from now!" He said in shock. "I know." Julia said. Paul studies her clothes. "No wonder you're from the future. I've never seen anybody wear this type of clothing around here." He said. "I totally get it." Said Julia. "Anyway, how would you like to stay with me and the rest of my friends?" Asked Paul. "Oh, Paul, I'd love to! Thank you so much!" Julia said with a smile. "You're welcome. Oh, what's your name?" Paul asked. "My name is Julia. Julia Fitzgerald." Said Julia. "Julia. My best mate, John's mother was named Julia." Said Paul. "John Lennon?" Julia asked. "Yes ma'am." Paul said.

Paul takes Julia to where he and his bandmates were staying. When they got inside, no one else was there. "Where are the rest of your bandmates?" Asked Julia. "They're still at the studio. I took the day off because I had a lot of things on my mind. But I'll be back at work tomorrow." Said Paul. "I see." Julia said. "If you need anything, I'll be in the other room." Paul said.

Before Paul could go anywhere, Julia calls for him. "Paul, wait!" She said. "Yes?" Said Paul. "Um... would it be okay if you play some of your songs for me?" Asked Julia. Paul thinks for a minute. "I don't see why not." He said. Paul grabs his guitar and tunes it before singing some songs for Julia.

One day you'll look to see I've gone
For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun
Some day you'll know I was the one
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so my love I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know, oooh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Yea, tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun
And now the time has come
And so my love I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you'll know, oooh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Julia claps after Paul finished singing. "That's on your Beatles For Sale record, isn't it?" Julia asked. "It certainly is. How'd you know?" Paul asked. "I have all your albums. They're pretty much the only things that brighten up my day." Said Julia. "Really?" Asked Paul. "Yes. Especially since I have less people in my life." Julia said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Less people? What do you mean?" Paul asked. "It's a long story. Would it be okay if I talk about it some other time?" Asked Julia. "Sure. Whenever you're ready, just let me know." Said Paul.

A smile appears on Julia's face. Even though she and Paul just met, Julia feels like she can tell him anything, and he'll just sit an listen. "Anyway, can you play me one more song?" Julia asked. "Of course. Any requests?" Paul asked. "Hmm... I'd like to hear an entry from your first album." Said Julia. "You got it, love!" Said Paul. He strums his guitar for the next song.

As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I'll always
Be in love with you

Treasure these few words till we're together
Keep all my love forever
P.S. I love you
You, you, you

I'll be coming home again to you, love
And till the day I do, love
P.S. I love you
You, you, you

As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I'll always
Be in love with you

Treasure these few words till we're together
Keep all my love forever
P.S. I love you
You, you, you

As I write this letter (Oh)
Send my love to you (You know I want you to)
Remember that I'll always (Yeah)
Be in love with you

I'll be coming home again to you, love
And till the day I do, love
P.S. I love you
You, you, you
You, you, you

I love you

Julia claps again. "I love that one!" She said. "Me too. Before we stop for the day, would you mind singing a song for me?" Paul asked. "I wouldn't mind at all." Julia said. Paul takes her to the piano. And Julia warms up her fingers before playing and singing her song.

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I, when she loved me.

Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all
Just she and I together, like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me.

So the years went by, I stayed the same
But she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she'd say "I will always love you."

Lonely and forgotten, never thought she'd look my way,
And she smiled at me and held me, just like she used to do,
Like she loved me, when she loved me

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
When she loved me.

Paul claps for Julia after she's done singing. "Wow! I was very moved by that song! You have a beautiful voice, Julia!" Said Paul. "Thank you. I love this song too. It's from one of my favorite Disney sequels." Said Julia. "Oh yeah? Which one?" Paul asked. "Toy Story 2. I cry every time I hear the song, but I love it." Julia said. "I don't think I've heard of that film. Is it out at this time?" Asked Paul. "It actually came out in the future." Said Julia. "Oh." Paul said. "Yeah. I'd rather not go into too much detail right now." Julia said. "You don't have to. Really, you don't." Said Paul. "Thanks, Paul." Said Julia. Paul smiles at her afterwards.

Julia lets out a yawn. "Tired?" Paul asked. "Yeah. Do you have any place for me to sleep?" Julia asked. "Well, you can sleep on my bed, and I'll sleep on the couch." Said Paul. "Paul, are you sure about that? I don't think it'd be fair of me to sleep there all the time." Said Julia. "Julia, I insist! Don't worry about me." Paul said. "But..." Before Julia could say another word, Paul puts his finger on her lips and shushes her gently. "You're a guest, and it's my job to make sure you stay comfortable. Do you understand?" He asked.

Julia nods. "Yes, Paul." She said. "That's a good girl. Tomorrow, I'm gonna introduce you to the rest of my bandmates." Said Paul. "I look forward to it." Julia said. Paul hands her one of his old nightshirts. "Wear this while you sleep. After you meet the others, I'll go out and buy you some pajamas, shoes and new clothes to wear." He said. "What about the clothes I'm wearing?" Asked Julia. "I'll wash them for you." Paul said.

A smile creeped onto Julia's face. She immediately wraps Paul into a hug afterwards. He returns the embrace eventually. "Thank you." Julia said. "For what?" Asked Paul. "For being so kind. It means a lot to me." Said Julia. "Oh, of course, love." Paul said. After they release, Julia gets herself ready for bed. Once her head hit the pillow, she immediately fell asleep. For the first time ever, she was able to sleep in peace.

Here's the song Julia sang. ~ Amanda

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