Chapter 2: Trying To Be a Normal Kid

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17 years later
Martha and Jonathan took you in. They named you Y/N and have been raising you since that day.

You're walking through your school hallway. You see a few girls looking at you like you're a creep as you walk by.

You make it to your locker. You open it and you grab a textbook. You close your locker to see your best friend, Louis, leaning next to your locker.

Louis in a French accent: Hello, my friend.

He's not French, he's just weird.

You: Dude, just 'cause you went to your tenth French class, doesn't mean that you're French.

Louis: Listen, I was thinking that we head to my place after school, get some beer, invite some girls over, play some truth or dare. Hm? What do ya say?

You: We only know like three girls. And one of them's a lesbian, so it doesn't count.

Louis: Maybe I met some people.

You: Oh, yeah? You say with an unimpressed face.

Louis: Oh, yeah. These two girls, Sophie and Minnie. So hot.

You: Then why don't you date them?

Louis: They're redheads. He says trying to persuade you.

You: Oh, NOW I change my mind. You say sarcastically.

You put your bag on with one strap.

You both walk down the hallway.

You: And besides; truth or dare? I haven't played that game since like fifth grade.

Louis: Ah-ah. You see, MY version will have cards.

You under your breath: You and your fucking cards.

Louis: Cards make everything interesting.

You: You need to think of something that we can all enjoy. Truth or dare is NOT something that screams "we're gonna get laid tonight!" I mean, seriously, dude. Where are we gonna find girls that'll actually--

You see a girl at the end of the hallway. She has curly hair, hazel eyes, and a baseball cap with a D on it.

Louis notices that you're staring at her and he whispers in your ear.

Louis whisper: I think someone's got eyes for someone.

You: Dude, leave me alone.

He gets away from your ear.

You continue walking as Louis stays where he is. You look at him as you walk.

You: Look, if you want me to hangout, get some actual fun shit plan--

Someone bumps into you. It's Gabe.

Gabe: Watch where you're goin', L/N.

He shoves you, and you pretend to get knocked back a little, your dad wants you to, because he knows what people would think if you didn't.

Louis walks up to Gabe.

Louis: Dude, leave him alone.

Gabe: Come on, hit back.

He shoves you again, and you have to pretend to get knocked back a bit.

Gabe shoves you against the lockers and you fall. You grip the side of it a locker as you stare up at Gabe.

Gabe: Pussy.

He walks away.

Louis offers his hand and you accept it. He pulls you to your feet to reveal the dent in the side of the lockers where your hand was.

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