Chapter 4: What Am I?

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You sit on the swing outside your house, while your parents are arguing with Gabe's dad and stepmom, David and Kate.

David: My son was in that bus. He SAW what your son did!

Dad: Can we please not shout?

David: There is something VERY wrong with your son, and you want me not to shout?!

Kate: It was an act of God. Clementine saw it too.

You can't take this anymore. You get off of the swing and you run over to your dad's truck. You pop down the tail gate and you sit on it.

You start to get memories... Scary memories.

You're six years old. You're in a classroom, but something's not right. You can see inside of people. You can see their organs, skeleton, the blood pumping through their veins.

Your ears are going crazy. You can hear EVERYTHING in the classroom. And it's SO loud. From another student tapping a pencil to the clock ticking every second.

What is this?

You start to hyperventilate. Your teacher takes note of this and walks up to you.

Teacher: Sweetie, are you alright? You look like you seen a ghost.

It won't stop. She just looks so scary.


Teacher: Are you okay, Y/N?

Your ears start to hear what sounds like nails on a chock board. You cover your ears.

You stand up from your desk and you run outside.

Teacher: Y/N?!

You run down the halls to hear the other teachers.

Teachers: Today is gonna be about--/a "prime number" is a number that--/make sure to check your work, when you--/I'm gonna have to call your parents about--

You run into the janitors closet and you slam the door shut. You lock the door.

You sit down and you cover your ears. You start to rock yourself.

Small timeskip
The teacher tries opening the door.

Teacher: I know you're in there.

You: Just leave me alone...

Teacher: Y/N, I called your mom. Can you please open the door?

You look at the door handle as your eyes glow red. You can hear the teacher scream in pain from outside.

Mom: I'm here! Y/N, it's your mom.

You can see and hear everyone outside.

Kid whisper: That kid's a freak.

Kid whisper: His parents won't let him play with other kids...

Mom: Hon, how can I help if you won't even let me in?

You: The world's too big, mom...

Mom: Then make it small... Just... Focus on my voice.

You close your eyes and you listen.

Mom: Pretend it's an island. Out on the shore... Can you see it?

You open your eyes and you look up.

You: ...I can see it.

Mom: Then swim towards it.

You stand up. You open the door. You see normal again. You hear normal again.

You look at your mom. You hug her. She hugs back. And she holds on tight.

Your dad walks up to you.

Dad: We discussed this.

You: Is he gonna be okay?

Dad: Don't try to change the subject.

You: I HAD help him. How could you expect me to not help those people?

Dad: When you do something like this, there could be consequences.

You: There hasn't ever been consequences... And was I supposed to do? Just let'em die?

Dad: ...Maybe. People tend to be scared of what they don't understand. When the world finds out about you, it'll change everything.

He sits next to you.

Dad: You saw how Gabe's parents thought of it. They're scared of it.

You: Why?! she right? Did God do this to me?

He doesn't know how to respond.

You: Tell me!

Small timeskip
Your father brings you to the barn. He opens up the floor with rope to reveal something hidden underneath it.

You both drop down. Your father takes out a flashlight and turns it on. He pulls the sheet off of what was hidden. It looks to be a miniature rocket ship.

Dad: We found you in this.

You: Found?

You look at your dad.

Dad: Yeah...

So you're adopted. That'

Dad: When we found you, we thought the government would come lookin' for you. But they never did.

Your dad walks over to a desk and picks up piece of metal. He walks over to you with it in his hand.

Dad: This was inside of its chamber.

He hands you the piece of metal. You look at it to see a formal looking "S".

Dad: We brought that to a metallurgist to see what it was. That thing's not even on the periodic table.

You look up at him in confusion.

Dad: I'm saying it's not from this planet...

You look back at the miniature rocket.

Dad: And neither are you. You're the answer to if we're alone in the universe. You.

You look at him.

You: I don't wanna be.

Dad: I know. And I can understand how much of a bourdon that could be.

He puts his hand on your shoulder.

Dad: And I'm sorry, but that's not your choice. I believe that there's a reason why you were sent here. Everything that you can do; you may think of them as curses, but one day you'll consider them as gifts. But right have to make a choice. Are you gonna stand with pride in front of humanity or not?

You: ...Can't I just...keep pretending to be your son?

Dad: You are my son. He says pulling you into a hug. But there's another man out there who sent you here for a reason, Y/N.

You pull out of the hug and you look back at the rocket.

Dad: And it mat take you your whole life, but you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.

You look back at the piece of metal. Is this your destiny? Well, I guess we'll find out someday. But until then; you have some explaining to do to a certain someone.

Superman Male Reader x ClementineWhere stories live. Discover now