Chapter 9: Party

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You're flying across Smallville, on your way to Louis' party. You hear some music coming from a mile away. You follow the music, and within a few seconds, you hover over Louis' manor.

You fly over to an area with no one watching and you land. You walk down the sidewalk, until you make it in front of the party. There're already a bunch of people outside, drinking out of red-solo-cups.

Music is blasting and the inside it flashing colorful lights.

You: Louis can throw one helluva party, I'll give him that much.

You walk up to the door. You knock on the door and you're greeted by Clementine opening it.

Clem: You made it! She says, giving you a hug.

She pulls out of the hug.

You: Uh, yeah, I did. Where's Louis?

Clem: Oh, trust me--you'll find him.

Louis: Hey, everybody!

You all look at Louis to see him standing on a table with a fishbowl filled with beer. Luckily, there's no fish in it.

Louis: A THOUSAND dollars to whoever chugs this fishbowl of booze!

Teen: Bro, give it here!

Louis hands the teen the fishbowl. He starts chugging it.

Everyone but you and Clem: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

You: Jesus Christ...

He finishes and everyone starts cheering. Louis hands the teen a stack of cash.

Clem: Fucking boys.

You chuckle. You look back at Clem.

You: Are you not drinking?

Clem looks at you.

Clem: Hell no. You?

You: Unfortunately, I can't.

Clem: What, drink?

You: No--get drunk.

Clem: Well, aren't you lucky.

You playfully roll your eyes.

Clem: C'mon!

She grabs your hand and drags you into the party.

Your thoughts: God. What the hell am I doing here?

Clem brings you into the middle of the room. She starts dancing. You just watch.

Clem: What? Dancing not one of your super powers?

Thankfully, you were the only one to hear that.

You: I really don't know how to dance, Clementine.

Clem: It's easy. Just pretend no one's watching, and the moves'll come to you.

Ironically, if you pretended no one's watching, you'd see how fast you could fly to the moon.

You: It can't be that easy.

Clem: It is.

You sigh.

You: Alright.

You start "dancing". You're basically just moving your shoulders back and forth while you bop your head.

Clem: See? Easy.

Your thoughts: I look fucking ridiculous. Should I just go home?

Louis wraps his arm around the back of your neck.

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