Chapter 6: Bullies

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You're waiting in your dad's truck with Clementine. Your father works part time at an automobile shop, so sometimes you visit him at work.

Your parents know that Clementine knows about your abilities. They made her swear to never tell anyone, and she promised.

You and Clem are telling each other jokes and stuff.

You: If you could choose between time travel or flight, which one would you choose?

Clem: Um... Flight.

You: Why?

Clem: 'Cause I wanna be able to fly everywhere like you. I'm honestly jealous that that's not only thing you can do.

You: I have one power that NO ONE knows about.

Clem: Really?

You nod.

Clem: What is it?

You whisper: ...I can do ventriloquism.

She playfully rolls her eyes.

Clem: Did you really have to make it that cinematic?

You chuckle.

Someone bangs on your window. You look at it to see your new bully, Ian.

Clem: Oh, god...

Ian: Get out here!

You remain silent.

The doors opens and Ian pulls you out.

Clem: Hey!

He pushes you to the floor against a fence. You grab onto the gate post.

Ian: Fight back!

Clem gets out of the trucks and runs to the other side of the truck.

Clem: Leave him alone.

Ian: Let him fight his own battles.

You and Clem look at each other.

Ian: Come on, freak! Get up!

One of Ian's friends taps him on the shoulder. They both look behind them to see your dad glaring at them.

Ian scoffs.

Ian: Whatever.

Ian and his friend group walk away.

Someone walks up and offers you a hand. It's Gabe. Gabe hasn't been bullying ever since the bus. Clementine holds her hand out too. You grab them both, and they pull you to your feet, revealing the gate post to be dented.

Gabe walks away. Your dad was right behind him.

Dad: Are you okay?

You: You know they can't hurt me.

Dad: Not what I meant.

Clem looks at you.

Clem: He means how are you doing mentally.

You shrug. You tear up a bit.

You: ...I wanted to hit him. I wanted to...I wanted to hit him back so bad.

Dad: I understand. I kinda wanted you to hit him back too. But what did we discuss?

You look down.

You: ...It won't make me feel better.

Dad: That's right... You guys get to decide what kind of people you wanna be. Whatever they'll change the world.

You look up at your dad. Your dad ruffles your hair and walks away.

Clem looks at you.

Clem: I'm sorry I didn't hit him.

You: It's alright.

She looks at the ground.

You: Thanks for standing up for me.

She looks at you.

Clem: You're welcome.

You both start walking away.

You: At least Gabe's changing.

Clem: It would kind of make him an extra dick if he still treated you terribly after saving his life.

You: Yeah. You need a ride home?

Clem: Yeah.

You begin to walk over to the truck, but Clem grabs your shoulder. You turn to her.

Clem: Or...maybe a flight?

You smile.

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