Chapter 7: My Hero

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You're laying on your bed, looking at your ceiling. You start to think about your abilities.

Your thoughts: Can I breathe in space? What about water? What if I can talk to fish? Nah. That's dumb.

You hear a knock on the door.

You: Come in.

The door opens and your mom steps in.

Mom: Hi, hon.

You sit up.

You: Hey, mom.

She sits on your bed.

Mom: How was school?

You shrug.

You: Not the best.

Mom: Why?

You sigh.

You: I hear everything... Everything people say about me... Everyone calling me a freak, 'cause I've never been very social... I wish I didn't have to hear it all.

Mom: I know, sweetheart. But you can't control what people say about you. But you can change how they feel. Just like with Gabe--he doesn't pick on you anymore because you saved him. Sometimes an enemy can become a good friend... The world works in mysterious ways, Y/N.

You nod.

You: I know.

She sees a framed photo of you, Clem, and Louis in your nightstand. She picks up the photo and smiles.

Mom: Is this Clementine? She's beautiful.

You: Heh. Yeah.

Mom: Oh, so you have a crush on her?

You: Mom...

Mom: You can tell me.

You: Mom!

You both chuckle.

Mom: Why don't you bring her to the house? I can finally get to meet her.

You: Yeah, sure. I'll ask her.

Mom: Great!

She kisses you on the forehead and stands up. She walks over to your door and turns around.

Mom: Goodnight, my shooting star.

She calls you that because your escape pod could've easily been mistaken for a shooting star.

You: Goodnight, mom. I love you.

She smiles.

Mom: I love you too.

She turns off the light and walks out of your room, closing the door behind her.

You get under your covers and you rest your head onto your pillow. After a few seconds, you hear a sudden cry for help.

Clem: Someone! Help!

You open your eyes and you get out of bed. You put pants and your shoes on. You put your jacket on as you open your window.

You climb out onto your roof. You stand back to get a running start. You run off of your roof and you start flying.

You listen for Clementine's voice.

Clem: Please, help!!!

You turn left.

Clem: Anyone?!?!

???: Shut up, bitch! Don't make me cut you!

You start to fly faster, causing you to dash through the sky. People look up at the sky and see a you zoom across the sky.

You hover over a back alley to see a guy on top of Clem.


Man: Quit your squirming, and this'll be over soon.

He starts to take off his belt.

Without hesitation, you fly down and you do a superhero landing onto the floor, causing the concrete to crack.

The guy pauses and looks behind him. You stand up to reveal your eyes starting to glow red. The man goes wide eyed.

You: Let her go...

He stands up and Clem crawls away from the man. Clem leans against a dumpster to reveal that her pants were down. She starts to pull her pants back up as quickly as she can.

The man takes out a pistol and he aims it at you.

Man: Back the fuck up!

You start slowly walking over to him with a stern expression on your face.

He shoots you in the chest. It tickles.

The man goes wide eyed.

He tries again, but you obviously don't feel anything.

You make it up to the man.

He shoots you in the eye. The bullet gets dented and it falls to the ground. You and the man both watch the bullet land. The man looks up at you. You look back up at him and you smirk.

You grab the barrel of his gun and you turn it up as if it was silly putty.

You flick the man in the chest, causing him to fly over Clementine and into the brick wall. The man goes through the brick wall and goes unconscious.

You walk up to Clem.

You: Are you okay?

She jumps up and hugs you. She starts crying onto your shoulder.

Clem: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

You: He didn't do it, right?

Clem: No. You stopped him.

You: Did he hurt you?

Clem: Just a little, but I'm--I'm fine.

You rub her back to comfort her.

You whisper: You're safe now. You don't have to be afraid.

She begins to feel more calm. She stops crying. You can feel as she breathes out with a little shakiness.

Clem whisper: ...Thank you...

She pulls out of the hug and looks you in the eyes. You wipe the tears off of her face with your thumb.

She kisses you, and you kiss back. You run your fingers through her hair. You both pull out of the kiss and you look into each other's eyes.

Clem: My hero...

Superman Male Reader x ClementineWhere stories live. Discover now