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"How disloyal we were, or rather, —How true to ourselves we were

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"How disloyal we were, or rather, —
How true to ourselves we were."
— Marina Tsvetaeva

          Mandalore: called home by many, it is planet that has always been torn apart by war—if not by an outsider's hand, then their own. Once the breeding ground for great warriors—warriors so skilled they were capable of killing even Jedi—Mandalore is now ground zero for a new era; one of peace¸ not war. Carried on the shoulders of the fair if not mercenary Duchess Satine Kryze, the pacifist movement has begun.

          Meanwhile, the Clone Wars rage on across the galaxy, and the Jedi Council—in its efforts to maintain power, order, peace—have forced padawans upon their Knights and Masters. Fallon, pride and joy of House Kryze, is the precocious padawan of Mandalorian Jedi Master Kil Vizsla. A prodigy of pure skill and natural intellect; she is divided in her loyalty, an iron heart split in two. One half of her belongs to Order and always has, despite their part in the war—while the other yearns for her home, Mandalore, and for her aunt, the Duchess. Fallon anxiously awaits the day she must choose a side: the day she undertakes the Jedi trials, shedding the title of Padawan and asserting herself as a knight.

          But that day never comes.

          Mandalore has always been torn apart by war. And it has always been a hollow planet, a husk without a heart. Now, Mandalorian loyalists have returned from the dark, bent on filling the space with blood, guts, gore and glory. Having spent a lifetime exiled to Concordia, Mandalore's moon, those dedicated to the old warrior ways have resurfaced, sensing a crack in the new regime's façade. And Duchess Satine, whose beliefs are the very antithesis of theirs, is in their crosshairs.

          Having completely missed the warning signs, Fallon is thrust into the firefight and, before she even realises what is happening, she and her fellow Mandalorian padawans are given sets of traditional Beskar-steel armour and gold-bladed lightsabers—relics of a time long past that haven't seen the light of day since the fall of the Old Republic. Before Fallon can realise how she has been betrayed, she is dubbed a neo-Mandalorian Knight, and sent to commit acts of destruction—treason—against her own people. Against her own family.

          Before Fallon even realises it, she has become a member of Death Watch.

          The truth comes after the terrorist group's brutal introduction, and Fallon, despite all her training, is not ready for it. The truth is that her beloved master Kil is a murderer, and a man so wrought in his loathing of the Jedi that he has come to hate himself. The truth is that he has been grooming Fallon for a fate she wasn't even aware of, a fate forced upon her by a family she's never even known. The truth is that he too is a loyalist, and he will stop at nothing to aid Fallon's long-lost parents Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan Kryze in their hostile takeover of the Mandalorian government.

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