Broken hearted girl

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Taylor's pov
"No Harry please don't lie I know you kissed that girl", I said sternly pushing him away from nearly kissing me I was on the verge of tears.
"I'm not lying Taylor and why do you think I was I thought you trusted me", Harry said raising his voice.
"I did trust you and there was pictures all over the media", I screemed at him. Harry looked shocked at what I has said.
"Sorry", he whispered.
I shook my head "Not only did you cheat on me but you lied to me to". With that I pushed past him and stumbled to my car tears streaming down my face. Now where am I going to go and do. I drove aimlessly around New York not knowing where to go. It was one o'clock. Then I remembered Ed told me he landed in New York yesterday I could text him. I debated whether or not to text him then. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the contacts till I found his name. I decided to ring him. He picked up straight away.
'Hey Tay'.
'Hey Ed', I sobbed realising I was still crying.
'Taylor are you ok?', Eds voice was full of worry and I was sure his face was to.
'No Harry cheated on me. Ard you busy?'
'Oh god that bastard I swear I'm going to kill him', Ed said through gritted teeth.
'Ed calm down are you busy?'
'No you should come over'. I agreed and he gave me the address to the hotel he was staying at. So I headed there. I arrived half an hour later outside the hotel. I looked in the mirror. I was a mess luckily no paps were around so I quickly ran inside. I got Eds room number it was on the top. I got in an elevator where and old woman was.
"You ok lovey", she asked kindly.
I smiled "Yeah just boys". She smiled knowingly at me and then she was at her floor so went out. Eventually I arrived at the floor ed was staying when I got to his room I hesitated before knocking. I knocked quietly and then harder when there was no answer. There was shuffling at the door and eventually it opened to a tired looking Ed. He held out his arms for a hug and I fell into them gratefully. I then sobbed a new batch of tears. Ed carried me in and placed me on the sofa. He then sat beside me and I crept onto his lap crying into the crook of his neck. Eventually I stopped crying.
"You ok? Who am I kidding of course your not ok", Ed said seriously.
"I'll be fine", I whispered smiling.
"Heyy you hungry it's three o'clock", Ed asked. I shook my head. Ed furrowed his eyebrows.
"Ok", Ed smiled.
"Will we go to my apartment you could stay with me for a couple of days and I make food. Only if you want to though", I said looking down my hands.
"Really?", Ed smiled.
"Yeah", I half smiled.
"Right I'll just gather my things and then II'll call Stu", Ed told me. Half an hour later we were at my apartment. He said he'd sleep on the couch tonight.
"Hey Love will you make pancakes please because you are amazing at making them", Ed said kindly.
"Sure", I smiled. I then went into the kitchen to make pancakes and that's when the scene of earlier today came back to me. I burst into tears again. Ughh I hat how upset I get ove just one guy. I calmed myself down eventually and continued making Ed his pancakes.
"Ed they're ready", I called out. A couple of seconds later Ed came bounding into the kitchen with a stupid grin on his face. But when he had seen my face the grin fell. Then I felt guilty for crying.
"Sorry", I whispered.
"For what", Ed asked pulling me in for a hug.
"For ruining your smile", I said sadly.
"For you I will smile", Ed said smiling then he kissed me on the head and turned away to eat his pancakes. I smiled to myself. I do not deserve a friend like that.
Eds pov
"You sure you don't want one of my pancakes I've got loads", I asked Taylor as she she sat beside me. I was worried about her. Why did Harry have to be such a dick. I really need to sort him out.
"I'm sure Ed I'm not hungry honestly", Taylor sighed.
"Ok but your missing out big time", I said shrugging my shoulders while putting a forkful of pancake into my mouth. I tried to lighten the mood and it worked because Taylor burst out laughing.
"Thanks", she said smirking.
I looked at the clock on Taylor's wall it was nearly five o'clock.
"Movie time?", I asked Taylor whom nodded happily. Taylor picked a commidy because she wasn't in the mood for anything else. It was a funny movie but I nearly never kept my eyes of Tay I looked over at her again and seen she was crying.
"What's the matter love?", I asked worriedly. She handed me her phone it was a message from Harry. How dare he text her after cheating on her. I read
'Hey babe. Are you still mad at me? And where do I stand because II'm not sure. I'm going to call over since II'm near your apartment so you can tell me then'. I then clenched the phone and handed it back to Taylor shaking my head angrily. The fucking cheek of him. How dare he?
"Ed I don't want to be anywhere near him. Please stay with me", Taylor choked out.
"I'm not going anywhere", I told her.
"He ccan't see me. I'm scared", Taylor whispered. I took her in my arms and whispered sweet nothings to her. It seemed to make her stop crying and and she started to calm down. We stayed there like that for a few minutes until there was a knock on Taylor's apartment door. I looked at Taylor and nodded my head. 'You answer it' she mouthed to me.
"I'll probably hit him if I see him", au whispered. There was a sharp knock on the door. "Taylor open the fucking door", Harry called.
"Please", Taylor begged.
"Ok", I sighed. I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a dishevelled looking Harry. It took all of me not to hit him then a there.

A/n Hayy everybody. This is my first Sweeran fanfiction. After reading a tonne (and I mean a lot) of Sweeran fanfictions I decided to write one myself. I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. Did ye all have a good Christmas xx

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