👼babysitting 21 good-looking boys👼

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Hae Seul

"AHHHHH!" I heard someone shout. I quickly wakes up and went to Jisung and Jaemin's room. Without knocking, I just burst inside it because of panic.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I asked in frantic way. I then saw both of them in front of the monitor, watching a horror movie. Jisung then rushed to me.

"Noona, noona. I'm scared. Please accompany us watching it. It's so scary!!" He said as he rushed to me and keep pulling me to go inside. Blanket still all around him.

"Heih...I thought something happened to both of you..."I said as I let out a relief sighed.

"Please? can you accompany me? " Jisung asked.

"Let noona sleep, Jisung. She needs some rest plus this is her first day work here so she needs some rest."Jaemin said.

"Noona, pwese?" He asked me again with a puppy eyes.

"Okay,okay. Noona accompany you,okay?" I said as he cheered in happiness and lead me inside.

"Aish! Gamchaja!" Jisung shout while hugged my arm tightly like a lil baby.

" I need to babysit all this babies? Luckily their cute uwu. I can't say no to them since it's my job too."

Next morning


Noona yah!" I heard someone shout my name. I then turned and saw Doyoung holding 5 different types of lip balm colours.

"Yes, Doyoung."

"Noona, which lip colour suits me a lot?" He asked. I then went to him and look at all the lip balm brand Maybelline baby lips on his hands.

" Well, I think this one. The pink wink colour suits you a lot." I said and smile.

" Really?"

"Yes. Well also Pink lolita one but at this time I prefer you wear a pink wink one cuz it's make your lip looks soft and cute."

"Lmao, thanks noona yah~" he said as he hugged me once before went outside.

"Aigo..." I then continue with my hair. When I'm about to tied it up,suddenly I heard a knock. I turned an saw Jaehyun.

"Oh, err, noona...did I.. disturbing you?" He asked.

"No. Well you got any problems?" I asked.

"Well which shirt suits me the best?" He asked as he shows me two shirts.

"Well which shirt suits me the best?" He asked as he shows me two shirts

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" I think the second is suits with you

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" I think the second is suits with you. Simple but handsome."

"Thanks noona yah~" he said , smile brightly and make a heart symbol to me.

"Thanks noona yah~" he said ,  smile brightly and make a heart symbol to me

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"Welcome. Now go get dress and done tour make-up. You're gonna be late."

"Okay, noona."

He made that like peek-a-boo sign and left

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He made that like peek-a-boo sign and left. I just shook my head while curved a smile.

" Lmao, there's like a baby tbh..." I whispered as i tied my hair off. When I'm about to walked out from my room, I heard a knock again.


"Urm, err, it's me. Taeyong. C-can I come in?" He asked.

"You may." I said he went inside. I told him to sat down and I sat besides him.

"Well, noona...I- I felt a lil bit just a lil bit nervous right now... Well I just... I felt uncomfortable too when our sasaeng... U know... stalking us... I..."

"Don't worry, Taeyong. I'm always be there for you guys. I try my best to made the sasaeng away from you guys, so don't worry. Now let's go."

"Okay noona...and thanks."

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