ᴄʜᴇɴʟᴇ ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴄʏ ' EXPOSED ' ᵉᵖ. 1

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" thank you, noona!! Because of you I felt more confident now!" Taeyong said while hugging Haeseul. Haeseul curved a smile over happy Taeyong.

" It's not because of me, Taeyong. It's because of you. It's whether you want to take it or not. " She said while flashed a smile towards him.

" Yeah! Our Hyeong is back! " Jaehyun said while hugging Taeyong. Chenle also went to Taeyong and keep fighting with Jaehyun just to have him some space to share his love to their beloved leader.

" Okay, I also need a hug..." Jaemin said while pouting. Suddenly his eyes lit up and looks at Jisung that keep bothering Renjun.

Jisung that keep teasing Renjun's height suddenly stop.

" Why did I suddenly had a goosebumps..?" Jisung whispered that only visible to Renjun.

" Me either..." Renjun said. Suddenly both of them look at Jeno that already cover his face with his book. sleeping peacefully.

" Jwisungie! Renjeonie!" He shouts make both of them flinched a lil bit. Slowly they turned their head to Jaemin that already curved a smirk towards them.

" Run." Jisung said as suddenly Renjun jumped into Jisung's back and both of them start to run away from Jaemin.

" YoU cAn'T rUn FrOm MeH!" He said and went to chased Jisung and Renjun.

" Why did you so heavy hyeong?!" Jisung sighed while keep running from Jaemin.

" Just run you big head!"

" Kiddo." Haechan said and shook his head and crossed his arm while Jeno already fell asleep. Didn't even bothered with Jisung, Renjun and Jaemin's scenario. All of them just laughed while Johnny already been targeted by the youngest to hid at his back and keep using him as a shield to protect themselves from creepy clingy Jaemin.


I felt my phone buzzed that mean my phone received a notification.

I opened it and saw an unknown number messaged me. I look around, didn't even found one of the members holding their phone.

" This is weird..." I mumbled while rubbed my nape.

I then just ignored it since it's maybe Exo sunbaenim or TVXQ sunbaenim that already changed their phone number.

Suddenly my phone received another notification.

+82 X X  X X X X  X X X X


Chenle, I love you more than anything in this world.


" Is this a prank..?" I mumbled while look around again. They still seems to keep laughing and some of the members are rolled down on the floor while Jisung and Renjun hyeong keep been kissed  and hugged by Jaemin with no mercy.

When I figured that it's kinda weird if Exo or TVXQ sunbaenim texted me at this hour cuz they need to perform today. So logically it's kinda weird...

" If all members went busy...then who the hell is texting me?" I mumbled.


Day passed and Chenle keep been ghost by the unknown number that keep bothering his life.

The unknown person keep texting him and sent something appropriate until he felt unsecured when he knew his privacy had been exposed.

He decided not to talk about this kind of thing to anyone because h didn't want people know about this thing happened on him. He then decided just to ignored those  messages when oneday...


My phone keep on buzzing while all of us keep practising for our next performance. I had an urge to block the unknown contact but somehow I don't know why I can't even  blocked her.

Like the person already hacked my phone.


My phone flashed a white bright light while ringing, telling that I had received a notification.

" Chenle hyeong, you're phone received a notification." Jisung said.

" Just let it be. Maybe some spams or anything." I replied shortly.

"You better check it. Maybe it's your mom texting you?" Renjun said. I felt annoyed with them that keep telling me to check it.

Like usual, the anonymous again.  I then read the text.


Why did you keep ignore my text??

Didn't you like I keep texting you?

I'm hurt...

Did you know how much I love you, Chenle?

Did you know my heart were only for you?

If you told me to kill myself , I will do it just for you...

Did you know that, babe?

Let me show you how deepest my love for you...

*Image loading 🔄*


By the time the picture already been loaded, my eyes went wide and I felt breathless.





I heard someone knocked my door like want to smack it off. I then rushed just to saw Jisung in front of my door, sweating while panting.

" N-noona... C-chenle H-hyeong. H-he's -"  Jisung said while panting. I just stare at him, confused.

" Chenle? What happened to him?" I asked, curious.

" H-he's , He's-"

" Yeah, yeah. He's what?!"

" He suddenly faint in training room." He said make me wide my eyes.

" He WHAT?!"


Well guys the text and contain I've just made it up and it's didn't happened in real life. Please don't get it wrong. Well about Chenle been attacked by those sasaeng bcuz exposing his privacy was right but about he faint or anything in this story just a fictional, okay. Well I hope you guys enjoy it. Bye! I will publish ep. 2 sooner!

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