ᴄʜᴇɴʟᴇ ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴄʏ ᴇxᴘᴏsᴇᴅ ᵉᵖ.2

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" CHENLE!" Renjun shouted while rushed to unconscious Chenle. His phone dropped on the floor hardly causing it to cracked.

" Chenle! Are you okay?! Chenle!" Renjun keep shaking Chenle's body but still no response from him.

" Jisung! Call Haeseul noona, PPALI!" Jaemin said. Without waiting for the response, Jisung quickly rushed to Haeseul room and knocked her doors in urge.

" N-noona... C-chenle H-hyeong. H-he's -" Jisung said while panting. Haeseul just stare at him, confused.

" Chenle? What happened to him?" She asked, curious.

" H-he's , He's-"

" Yeah, yeah. He's what?"

" He suddenly faint in training room." He said make Haeseul's eyes suddenly became wide opened.

" He WHAT?!" Haeseul than rushed to their training room and look for Chenle's figure.

" Noona! Here!" Haechan shouted attracted her attention. Haeseul then rushed to them.

" What happened to him?!" She asked Renjun.

" Idk."

" Someone call the ambulance, PPALI!"


Chenle already been sent to the nearest hospital. Haeseul then stared at unconscious Chenle laying on the hospital bed.

" How's his condition, doctor?" She asked.

" He's fine. He just had a sudden shocked that leading him to faint. He will be okay sooner. That's all. No serious injuries. From now , he just need some rest."

" Thank you doctor." The doctor smiled at her once before leaving them both.

After the doctor gone, the dreamies rushed into Chenle's room.

" How's Chenle, noona?" Jisung asked.

" He's fine. The doctor said he just need some rest and he would be waken up soon." She said make all of them sighed in relief.

" How can this happened?"

" Idk either. After training , he just went to look at his phone but suddenly fainted after- his phone!" Renjun said, suddenly remembered about Chenle's phone

" did someone found his phone just now?" Jeno suddenly burst inside with a pale face.

" Yah, Jeno. What happened to you?" Jaemin asked with a total confused face.

" I- I think I already know why did Chenle fainted." he said and went closer to us while took something out from his pocket.

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