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We've been stressed out with Taeyong that having a mental breakdown and get in hiatus for a while because of haters that keep throwing a hate comments towards him.

" Just don't mind them, Taeyong hyeong."  Jaehyun said while patting his back.

" yeah. They're just don't know how to appreciate you. Don't mind them and just keep on chasing our dream. Just ignored them." Chenle said.

" Maybe you should rest... it's gonna make you feel better." Taeil said while curving a thin smile towards Taeyong. Taeyong nodded and make his way to their room. He closes the door and sat at the corner of the bed.

" what did I do wrong?" He mumbled. Ruffling his hair  and cupped his chin.

Haeseul make her way to Taeyong 's and Doyoung's room and open it. She slightly open the door just to saw depressed Taeyong.

Haeseul look at him with a sad eyes. Feeling  pity with him.

" Taeyong, I-" Haeseul quickly cover Doyoung's mouth.

" Shh!" She said while pointing at Taeyong. Doyoung then slightly nodded , understood.

"Noona, the concert about to start in 3 hours." Doyoung said half whispering. Haeseul then nodded.

" It's not gonna take a long time."

" But Taeyong look... You know... Are you sure?"

" Tell the member to give Taeyong some space for a while. I'll go talk with him." She said. Doyoung nodded and walked away.

Haeseul then knocked the room door to attracted Taeyong attention.

" May I come in?" She asked.

" Oh, Noona. Yes. Of course." Taeyong answered with a smile plastered on his face. Haeseul went inside and locked the door. She then sat besides Taeyong.

" Are you okay?" She asked with a soft caring voice. Taeyong then look at her.

" I'm not sure I can do this, Haeseul noona..." He said while hang his head down.

" What's wrong?"

" I just... I don't have a heart to face them... I know I'm not that perfect and -" Haeseul then place her hand on his back and patted it gently.

" I know... Everyone had that hard time  too tho... Just maybe it's gonna be lil bit different from them." She said make Taeyong lift his head.

" What do you meant?" Haeseul then stare at Taeyong for a while.

" well, What I mean was everyone had that challenging day in their life like me... It's not that easy to be like this since I need to study and all of it need money. Well... My family not that rich to pay for my collage since I have a lil brother that still in highschool. so I need to work and pay all of it by myself. It's really hard to manage your time working and at the same time studying until I don't even have any friends since I'm too busy with my schedule..."

"Is it that hard noona?"

" Of course. Since sometimes when you sick and you couldn't attend the class and couldn't catch up the things you missed. Also I always feel lonely when there's come a holiday since I also couldn't go back to my hometown cuz I don't have a money to afford it..."

" It's must be the hardest time for you..."

" Kinda. Well sometimes I had been bullied by a several people since I have no friends around and always been lonely."

" Really?! How could they?! "

" Well it's been 4 years ago so yeah. I don't think they remember me anymore also I don't even cared what people think about me cuz all I need to know that I should stand by myself and keep moving but you special, Taeyong... You don't have to stand alone cuz you have your friends to comfort you and your fans to support you up. , You're such a lucky. "

" But... What if... They... Hate me..?" She then cupped his face.

" Don't think like that. They love you, Taeyong and they're gonna love you always. What you should do are think positively and do your best. If you felt love less, then just think about your members. They will always love and always be there for you."

" Thanks noona. I felt better now..."

" Then are you ready for your next stage?"

" *Inhale exhale* ready." He the stood up and went outside.

" Taeyong!" Haeseul called.

" Yes noona?"

" Well I just want you to know that if you need someone to talk about something then I will always ready to heard it." Haeseul words touched Taeyong's heart.

Taeyong smile at her once. The sincere smile that he ever curved before...

" Thanks noona because always be by my side... I will never gonna forget about it and always keep moving forward like you said to chased my dream." He said before he went outside.


So... Sorry for late update 😞

I'm quite busy with school and hw lately...

I hope you guys enjoyed my new update and I will update the next chapter about Chenle soon!

Bye! Have a nice day!

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