Not a Dream

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"Awaken, Lorelei

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"Awaken, Lorelei."

"She has cost us a sin, Master."

"So she will pay the price..."

What sin?

A faint laugh grows into a fit of many other giggling sounds. What kind of joke did I make?

"Lorelei, as you return to the human's ground, I will request a task for you in order to go back to living your normal life," a short silence, "It was a few hundred years ago that my soon-to-be bride ran away from me. Your job is to find her and bring her to me."

How will I know where she is?

"A particular compass will guide you right to her."

Then can't you do it yourself?

"Hm, yes I could; perhaps I did. It's taken me years to get my hands on that compass, however I did accomplish it not too long ago. Then, a girl decided to steal that compass from one of my soldiers, jumped into the ocean for a man, and hid the compass within the man's pocket."

He was talking about me, I realized.

You've mistaken, the compass I had belonged to my island's rival. It did not belong to us from the beginning. I only returned it to its rightful owner before he left.

"You did what was right because it's what you believed was right. I gave you warnings before you did it, but you resisted and now you are here. What you did was wrong."

How can that be though, I-

"If you wish to go against my say, then unfortunately I will have no reason to let you live your life."

I had been threatened by his words and chills ran through my body. He would end me right now if I did not agree. From my understanding, I had drowned. It felt as if talking to a god, but now I know it must not be heaven; perhaps this was Hell.

Who are you?

"Someone you know well. You've read countless books about me, done your research, heard plenty of false stories about me-I'm sure."

Hades? ... and your fiancé, Persephone?

"So it seems you know, and seems that we have come to an agreement: if you do not take my request, then you shall die at this moment."

Did I deserve this? People go to hell for their inhumanity. I would have said I lived an ordinary life, breaking very few rules. Although I felt crazy for accepting a task from the devil himself, I selfishly couldn't imagine dying now.

I will bring your fiancé back to you at all cost.

"Then I shall reward my gratitude to you and return you back to human life. You will find Persephone there using a power only you will hold: the power of voice. With this power, you can lead any known men or women to you, asking them what you must in order to find her."

I nod in agreement.

"My warning before you leave: use your voice sparingly as the power is to work in favor of evil. Any human hearing your voice who has committed a sin will die immediately."

I gasp; I would never be able to talk unless I wanted to risk them dying by my own hands.

Before I am able to reply, a quickening of my heart starts beating, blood rushes through my veins, and I feel the warmth of life again. My eyes are suddenly pierced by a blinding amount of light.

I was alive again

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I was alive again.

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