New Life

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After a few days, I got somewhat comfortable with the new life

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After a few days, I got somewhat comfortable with the new life. It wasn't easy knowing if I talked to people, I would always risk them dying; But as long as I avoided talking, it wasn't so bad.

"Good morning!" A woman and her kids walk past me as I head into the local market of our island. I smile, wave my hand in a greeting manner, trying to look as considerate as possible since I couldn't talk.

As I discovered, people still came to this island; they were normally visitors and tourists—which I got recognized as when the old man had seen me. None of them were originally from here, there homes being on other islands. People knew of the World War and just basically blocked off all the main areas where it occurred—where I was when I found all the bodies; why they haven't done anything with them, I wasn't sure.

The tiki hut is filled with a few other people and I grab food supplies such as a few pineapples, some meat, water, and a few coconuts; simple things to eat, and take them to the check out center.

"Your total is five coins," a girl around my age, with brown hair and a green-yellow bikini top says. I pull out my small bag and wrinkle out five silver coins with our island's emblem on it. "Thank you, come again!" She smiles and I nod back.

Lorelei, you can't ignore your powers; you must find the compass as promised.

I wasn't alarmed, it was Hades. Since the accident, he tends to get inside my head every once in a while, nagging to me about the damn quest I was supposed to do. I want to avoid as many people dying by the hands of me—or by my voice—as possible.

The sun was high in the sky this morning, however, now it was covered in a grey saturant of clouds and a storm was bound to come. I didn't mind it as living on an island brought in various storms all the time. In seconds, the water pours out of them and salted raindrops on our heads. I see some of the others near the market pull out their form of cover—umbrellas and ponchos—which we rarely used, being used to it.

Instead, I choose to let it sink into my sweaty, dry skin and wash away the warmth, giving it a refreshment.

A pinch at my skin has me flinching and I check around me. More and more—almost needle feeling—pain pinches into my skin. It was the rain?

This is my warning.

I look in a circle around me and roll my eyes, "What the hell, Hades!" Screaming at the sky, I'm sure I looked mentally insane to outside people, "Stop getting into my head." More painful splotches of water hit, anger furies me, "So what, you want me to find your precious bride and you'll stop bothering me?"

I'll let you live...if you ignore anymore I won't accept our deal; you have till dawn to decide.

I put my hands on either side of my head and stare at the darkness above. Unless there was another way to get the compass back or find a god who is marrying Hades—Persephone—without speaking a word, inevitably people were going to get hurt.

A strike of light ignites the dark cover over me and shocks down a tree not too far from me. It hits like lightning, like an instinct I never knew existed. A rage comes over me and so does a few tears that slip from the eyes. Not because I was sad at what I had to do but rather sad that I wanted to be selfish like this for once in my life. I was putting mine before others—maybe hundreds—all for the sake of living.

I run off towards the shore once again where I had been in a coma and brush away all my thoughts—all the 'what ifs'—and sing.

A course of water calls me like a newfound friend and I felt an abundance of power inside of me, calling any people who were sailing. Killing the rest of the visitors and travelers on the island who have committed a sin.

"Where is it?" I scream from the top of my lungs. A small answer leaves from the dead collected souls.

"If you mean the island soldiers of Kahli, they have indeed gone to Jura Island. There are travelers leaving for there tomorrow. Get on that ship and find them there."

It was the echo of an older women who just passed away from my voice. I drop to my knees. She didn't deserve to die and neither did the many I have just killed. But I had my answer, and I could board the ship and find the man with the compass.

I would leave tomorrow...

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To be continued...

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