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I blink once, twice, a third time. I swear I've gone insane. "So then what, you're telling me I'm some sort of demi-god?" I nearly scream at the goddess who claims to be my birth mother. I was so over all these dang divine-claiming people

I was born by a water nymph and the marine god; theoretically, I'm the demi-goddess. As for you, the divine power fades over generations therefore, you are human.

I sigh in relief. Thank the heavens my whole life wasn't a lie. I stare into the water-filled abyss and ponder on something, "So then how did dad and you... that's like, impossible, isn't it?" I mean, it completely violates the laws of science. How does one 'mate' with a goddess?

Lorelei, a demi-god still has a human body up until they die. My spirit then goes to the heavens where I gain my goddess essence, or ghost, as you call it.

"Oh. Did dad know?"

No, unfortunately, I never got the chance to confront him before I was needed in the heavens.

Her golden hair was near the same color as mine minus the godly shimmer and the perfectly sorted strands which were, for sure, much healthier than my knotted mess. I could also tell the resemblance of the sharply pointed roman features of our faces. She really was my mother.

"And thus you left us: Alfred, dad, and I."

Yes, I had to.

I let silence fall over us both and take in her words. A small part of me felt irritated that she left us purposely and the other part of me had an understanding that she had no choice.

"Lorelei, right?" a male voice interrupts. I can hear his footsteps grow louder on the boat's deck as he comes near. He strides by my side, then passes me, leaning against the railing, one hand on a yellowish rope connecting to the upper parts of the boat. "Just take in that breeze would ya?" He smiles brightly, the swaying lanterns casting just enough light to recognize him as Bella's boyfriend, Christien. "They say the best winds for sailing come after the storm: fast and strong enough t' speed her up!"

I chuckle. As long as the winds are blowing the right way. My brother once traveled for training and they ended up in a two-hour delay because of the strong winds in the west, we live in the southern area; you can guess how that went.

"It's true, I swear!" he responds to my internal thoughts as if he could read them, though he actually can't. I shake my head side to side, my hair getting caught in the wind in the process and smacks me in the face. Christien holds up an "L" shape with his thumb and pointer finger, "See, even the wind agrees with me- so ha!"

 Christien holds up an "L" shape with his thumb and pointer finger, "See, even the wind agrees with me- so ha!"

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He steps back and leaves, taking his last words to prove himself right. One point for Christien, none for Lorelei. It was late, at the very least, three in the morning. I get my last glance at the ocean view, my mother long gone like the storm, and head back inside to the small room below the deck to sleep.


"Wake up Lorelei, we have arrived!" I am shaken awake by the warm hands of Bella as she stands over my bed, a widening smile on her face. I stand and stretch my arms out. "I'm so excited to finally be home after so long!" I knew she was from Jura. "I'll be going now."

I grab her arm before she leaves the room and use sign language to convey my words, Actually, could you give me a tour if you have time?

"Oh my gosh, yeah of course! We will wait for you to get dressed, meet us outside."

After changing into a fresh, throw-over sweater, I walk out of the boat and onto the lands of Jura. It was a completely different environment than I was used to. Instead of the natural island trees and tranquil beach, I was now surrounded by crowds of people. Lots of industrial buildings and shops, it was so much more developed. I cough a few times as a man in a brown suit blows out smoke from his pipe. I wasn't used to the polluted air, it would probably take time to adjust.

"Over here, Lorelei." I turn around in the swarm of people and spot Christien waving me over next to Bella and another elegant woman who was for sure older than all of us. I walk over to them and stand outside their little circle. The older woman was in a conversation with Bella about how her week was and talking about being at a school and teaching, which I assumed was her occupation. Christien joined in a few times and had his arm around Bella's waist. After a few minutes, I lose focus of what they are talking about and look around again.

Two younger kids, one girl and the other a tiny boy, hug their father with a soldier outfit on. It wasn't the soldiers I was looking for as the Jura symbol was on it. In a few day's time, they would be just like my island was. Torn down, destroyed, and hurt by Kahli islanders. It just made the vengeance in me boil even more.

"Hey, move out of my way, bitch." blood rises instantly as my eyes meet a large man with a beard. "Can you not hear? I said move." I look down to the ground and step out of the way. He grunts through and mutters, "I hate this town." then proceeds out his way down the street. Even the people here were different; I wasn't used to such foul languages. Small bumps rise on my skin, it is rather chilly.

A jacket wraps around my shoulders and Christien leans down to my level, "It's okay to feel uncomfortable, this place is quite different from your norm, I suppose." very. "Just stick close to us, 'aight? I respond with a smile. Having Christien next to me brought a sense of safety and warmth. Even though he was Bella's boyfriend, I couldn't help but have the slightest admiration for him.

"Do you have family here?" he whispers over to me. I shake my head no. He stares, "Anywhere to stay?" no. We both stay silent and he sighs, "Do you need a place to stay, perhaps?" honestly, yes. I guess I didn't think about where to stay. After being called upon by Hades, things just kind of happened so quickly. I nod.

"You can stay with me, but try to find out a plan or something. I mean, with Bella I can't have you staying for that long." Thank you, I mouth to him. He makes quick eye contact with me and then enters into Bella's conversation again.

For the first time, I felt like an outcast. It was as if I didn't belong; that I couldn't belong. Misplaced...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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