LITTLE BUNNY [Jotaro Kujo]

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REQUEST: Hii! I saw that your requests are open! Welcome!! uwu. I would like to request a Jotaro (part three) x reader and they're sleeping together, jotaro is still up and see's that is s/o is sleeping with a bunny stuffed animal 🥺

Pairing: Kujo Jotaro x fem!Reader

Warnings: fluff, soft Jotaro aww


Walking through the dessert was exhausting to say the least and after confronting a stand like The Sun they were drained of energy. For once (Y/N) was thankful her uniform was way lighter than the others but her skin burned from the heat even after defeating said stand. A couple of camels happened to be recovering so they collected their bags and looked up at the starry sky.

"We should camp for tonight" Joseph said passing some sleeping bags around, where did they come from? He always seemed to have unexpected things under his sleeve in times of need anyway.

"Can't believe such a powerful stand was managed with such a cheap trick!" Polnareff complained as he started to set his sleeping spot, Kakyoin not far behind agreeing with his complain. (Y/N) looked around, it's not like they lacked of space (they were in the middle of nothingness!) but she seemed hesitant as to where to settle down.

Jotaro was a serious and quiet teenager but that didn't mean he didn't have any curiosity in him. He sat down against a quite big rock and watched as she fumbled into her little bag she always carried while looking around them. Even if they were pretty much alone, she always found comfort in sleeping next to something or someone, just to feel safe.

When she finally seemed to have made up her mind, she turned to Jotaro "do you mind if I sleep next to you?"

They were no strangers to each other, if anything they had an odd relationship where they knew better than to completely give in to their feelings but still cared for each other. Jotaro could help but flush at the question none the less.

"It's just that I-"

"Yare yare, you don't have to explain yourself" He said pulling his hat down "just get to sleep"

She sighed in relief as she set her things down and lay on her side and her back to Jotaro who stayed awake just smoking a last cigarette before finally sleeping. He noticed she pulled something out from her bag before really going to sleep.

The teenager looked around and everyone was sound asleep, he threw the end of his cigarette and got comfortable on his back. He had never seen the sky this bright with stars (mostly since the city didn't have such open space and contamination was at fault too) and for a moment he felt at peace.

As he continued to wonder he felt movement from beside him, he turned and couldn't help but stare. (Y/N) laid on her back still deep in her sleep but a tight hold on a stuffed bunny, was that what she took out of her bag? Did she sleep with it every night? Not like they might've known; she got a room for her own most of the time. Jotaro couldn't help but almost awe at the sight, the only girl who didn't annoy the living hell out of him was hugging a soft little bunny like her life depended on it. He would be lying if he said that wasn't the cutest thing he had ever witnessed. Turning back to the sky he smiled and finally gave in to dream.


In the morning with everyone back on their feet and ready to continue their journey fully refreshed (with light breakfast, courtesy of Mr. Joestar himself again) they continued on into the dessert to the next stop. (Y/N) rode one of the camels while the other carried the rest of their stuff, Jotaro walkijng right beside her.

While Kakyoin, Polnareff and Mr. Joestar held a conversation on their new destination and what they might encounter there, Jotaro looked up at the female and decided to speak up.

"That's a cute bunny you had there" he smirked.

"W-what?" she flushed red at the comment "You saw it?"

"You sure move a lot" Jotaro continued to tease her as she got redder and redder

"Please don't tell" she whispered while leaning down to him "I'll never hear the end of it if they knew" and as rare as it seemed, he laughed.

"Your secret is safe with me"

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