SAVE IT [Josuke Higashikata]

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REQUEST: Hi could I request Pt4 Josuke with a somewhat motherly s/o that is protective of him like she tries to protect him cause she knows his stand can't heal his injuries and she's very strong and her stand is strong too! She loves to give him affection to like she's super affectionate( in to back hugs, kissing, just any type of skin ship)! Thanks!

This is so short and I feel so bad :( i'm having a writer's block and I HATE IT AAAA, anyways I hope you still like it! if not I promise to make a better one

Pairing: Higashikata Josuke x Fem! Reader

Warnings: slight violence??


Finally, Friday! Students hurried out of the classrooms and running out of school grounds as soon as the last bell ringed. On days like these the school was empty in minutes except for the teachers and the troublemakers that stayed for detention even on Fridays.

(Y/N) got up from her desk and grabbing her bag she walked out onto the corridor, right in front of the door stood her tall handsome boyfriend waiting for her.

"Josuke!" (Y/N) jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his around her waist.

"Hey!" he responded looking into her eyes "it's finally weekend, want to go somewhere today?"

(Y/N) nodded as they walked down the corridor and out the school with her hugging his torso as they walked.

While Josuke had a delinquent reputation and used to get into fights more often than not (Y/N) had a calm and caring nature that helped Josuke stay out of trouble (for most part), a couple of teenagers that enjoyed being in each other's companies and go on little dates once in a while.

With a plan on going to the local arcade to have a great start on the weekend they encountered some older students that just enjoyed to rile Josuke up.

"Look who decided to make an appearance" the one who seemed to be the leader taunted as he walked over

"Just go away" Josuke said barely glancing at him

(Y/N) pulled at his hand to get away from them before things got ugly. While she knew Josuke could handle on his own, she just hated seeing him get into trouble when there was no need to bother, plus she knew well that he could probably hurt himself in the process and couldn't heal himself right after.

"What? Are you running away?"

"Leave us alone" (Y/N) responded this time glaring at their direction.

Josuke really tried to stay away from trouble and continue walking but his patience was running thin each second. The trio laughed out loud and continued picking on the couple.

"Is your little girlfriend fighting for you Josuke? With that stupid ha-" before the senior could even end his sentence Queen of Wands appeared behind (Y/N) and knocked them down with her wand, all three of them falling to the ground confused and scared

"Save it and get lost"

Josuke watched as they all scurried away after her warning, (Y/N) turned back to Josuke and smiled closing the distance between them and kissing his lips slighted parted by the shock.

"What was that?" he asked

"I didn't want for you to go throwing fists and hurting your hands"

(Y/N) continued walking to the arcade a few blocks away followed by Josuke who smiled brightly. They spend the day playing all kinds of games, Josuke convincing (Y/N) that kisses helped him power up to win and she gladly complied each and every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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