CRUSH [Jotaro Kujo]

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REQUEST: Hi your writing is really good may I request Pt3 Jotaro with a s/o that is normally very confident, outgoing, friendly and bubbly but gets flustered easily by just literally hearing him talk or just being in his presence makes her blush and giddy but when they kiss oof she's over the moon

Thank you! I would be weak on the knees if I had Jotaro near me too. Also, I want Polnareff to be my best friend. Hope you like it!

Pairing: Kujo Jotaro x fem!Reader

Warnings: none, reader almost having a heart attack


"Ok, listen up everyone" Mr. Joestar turned to the rest of the crusaders after spending almost 10 minutes on the main desk of the hotel "I'll be sharing with Avdol"

"Jotaro and I should room together since we are both students" said Kakyoin looking back at Jotaro who only nodded

"Then that means..." Joseph turned to the only two other people with them, Polnareff and (Y/N).

The teenager looked at the concerned faces of Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin then at Polnareff who was anxiously waiting for her reaction; she laughed out loud, slapping Pol's arm.

"No problem at all!" she smiled and took the key from the old man's hand "I can handle this dumbass"

"Hey! Who are you calling dumbass?"

They bickered back and forth for a few minutes more until they broke into laughs

"Maybe we could have a walk around after everyone is settled" Avdol suggested

"Sounds good to me!" (Y/N) was quick to agree "Let's meet here in 10 minutes"

Not long after everyone agreed on having a little tour around the city, (Y/N) grabbed Polnareff by the wrist and marched up the stairs to their room. After leaving their stuff on their room Polnareff decided to have a 'quick trip to the bathroom', the girl acknowledged him and left the room to meet the rest in the lobby.

Walking down the stairs she looked around for Kakyoin's distinctive red hair or perhaps Avdol's bantu knots, but the only one waiting there was none other than Jotaro, standing almost two heads over everyone else around him. (Y/N) gulped, she didn't know how to act when it came to interacting with the teen ALONE even if they were almost the same age, all because of a simple reason; she had a crush. It was pretty obvious and she hated it, even if Jotaro had already showed some interest back (like holding her hand, or kissing her cheek once) she couldn't help but become a mess in his presence.

'Should I walk back to the room? Should I pretend I didn't see him?" her mind was racing a hundred miles per minute but it all came to a stop when the main subject of her panic waved at her. 'Shit! I can't pretend now!' she breathed out 'It's okay, just act like you always do' and as she stepped down, she must've missed the last few steps of the stairs. Next thing she knew, she was in the air falling with her eyes closed tight.

But the blow against the floor never came, she slowly opened her eyes to a concerned Star Platinum holding her up to her feet again.

"Are you okay?" Jotaro's voice was stoic as ever

"I-I.. umm.. y-yeah" she blushed madly as she pulled away almost as fast as her falling a few seconds ago. Jotaro smirked and lowered his hat, then looked up the stairs.

"I wonder where everyone is" he sighted

(Y/N) didn't know what to say, 'God! This isn't your usual self, what's your problem?!' while having her inner battle she frowned, this was so irritating.

"Don't frown" his voice interrupted her thoughts


"I said don't frown, it doesn't suit you." Was this a way of complimenting her? If it was, she was about to pass out from the heat on her cheeks. Before she could even respond she saw Kakyoin walking to them, the rest of the crusaders close on his heels.

"Hey, I see you came down early too." The red head commented as they all walked onto the street across the hotel.

They walked along the sidewalk of the main street while looking into little shops and food stands. While (Y/N) and Polnareff walked up in the front laughing and pointed at every little thing they saw, Avdol shared some interesting facts about the city with Kakyoin. Mr. Joestar looked into the map on his hands and stopped abruptly.

"Here it is!" everyone stopped walking to look back at him.

The old man looked up at the sign just above him, a fancy looking restaurant. He walked right in and the rest of the crusaders had no option but walk after him. After Mr. Joestar asked for a table for the six of them, the waiter guided them to a circular table near the street windows.

"This place looks nice" Polnareff whistled as they finally took their seats.

The boys started some conversation while (Y/N) seated completely frozen in her chair, next to Jotaro. She didn't even notice when Mr. Joestar ordered almost every dish on the menu. If it wasn't for Avdol that was sitting on the other side of her starting a conversation she would've been gone for hours, red as a tomato.

After apparently forgetting who was seated beside her and chatting the rest of the evening, she noticed the darkening sky outside. I was almost night time when they walked out of the restaurant and on their way back to the hotel.

Once they were on the floor where the rooms were, they bid their goodnights to each other. Polnareff walked first into the room and left the door open for (Y/N) to follow but she was stopped by someone calling her name. She turned her head to the hallway where the tall Japanese stood. 'Oh God.' Her mouth went completely dry and her feet stuck to the ground where she stood by the door.

"I just wanted to say one last thing" he murmured lowering his hat. She was wide eyed but soon broke out of it, walking slowly towards him.

"Yes?" first time she didn't stutter.

"Have a nice sleep"

Without warning he lowered his head until his lips touched hers in a kiss. She stood in complete shock with her eyes open but after a second, she slowly closed them rising a hand to his cheek. In another second Jotaro pulled away and lowered his hat even more, if it was even possible.

"Y-you too Jotaro"

He was turning on his heels towards his room when he heard her running to hers, shutting the door loudly. He chuckled.

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