RWBY Vol 1 Blake X Male Reader Chapter 4

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Hello everyone, it's me GasmSenpai. First of all, I would like to say sorry for the 1 day delay. I had to take care of mom's medical needs. Moving on, I'd like to say thank you for all the helpful and motivating feedbacks on all the previous chapters. You guys are awesome. With that being said, enjoy the chapter.

PS: I wrote this late at night and I was sleepy. It might have grammar errors and typos.

3rd Person POV

Blake: "F/N!! Say something! Anything!"

She yells for your response, shaking you repetitively gentle. But you couldn't give any reply, you were just too burned out to even move a muscle. You can't even think straight. You just laid flat on the ground, hearing that high pitch in your left ear as it bleed and so as your eye socket. Your face looked mindless and slowly feeling numb.

Blake: "He needs medical attention now!"

She looked over to the other first years. They were just getting up and dusting their clothes off.

Ruby: "Come on, let's carry him. Someone call for help!"

Weiss: "But what about the relics and  importantly the test?"

Blake: "Really Weiss!? For Oum's sake. He's Dying!"

Weiss was finally realized how selfish she sounded and backed off with shaky steps.

Weiss: "I-I.."

You just stared at the crow carrying your eye in it's beak up in the grey-ish cloudy sky. Your eyes started closing on its own. The pitch gets higher and higher at the moment of it's peak, you went unconscious.

All you saw was darkness, and then you hear a beastly.. evil.. heavily breathing. Then it appeared again, that wide eerily smile. It started laughing manically, louder and louder. More sinister than before.
Then it stopped, it went quiet and dark again. A mirror appeared and you saw your reflection. You touched your face as you gaze on your empty eye socket. Eerily whispers are heard and.. your reflection smiled at you widely in a demonic way. It spoke to you in a very deep and evil tone..

"I'm the devil.. AND YOU ARE ME!"

He came out of the mirror, shattering it like glass and devoured you into an eternal abyss. You struggled to breath, and moved in panic like you were drowning in deep water until you lost strenght, you close your eyes.

You hear a beeping sound.. You opened your eyes and sprung up. You breathe heavily as you hold your chest. When you had calmed yourself, you realized you were in a hospital room, the beeping sound was from the heart monitor. Your hand was syringed to 3 different dextrose bags and 1 for blood.

You scooted to the side of your bed. You grip on your dextrose stand and tried to stand up. You seemed fine until you heard that high pitch on your left ear again.

You: "(gnash)"

After a few seconds it stopped.. you got up again and went to the window. You raised the blinds and let the ray of sunshine hit. You opened the window and saw quite a nice view of the suburban city of Vale.

You: "I failed.. the exams. I bet they'll kick me out of the house- Welp. Time to go home"

You checked the cabinets and saw your bag and equipment. You took out all the money you have, and placed it on the table with a note that says "payment". You started to arranged your things and stood up. You grasped on to your dextrose tube, before you could pull it out you heard a voice.

Blake: "What are you doing?"

You: "B-Blake? What are you doing here?"

Blake: "You've had me worried for days now and you're just gonna-"

Virtuoso - Blake Belladonna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now