Jack is back

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^^^^^^^^^^The two pictures above are Madeline's new pirate look

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The two pictures above are Madeline's new pirate look.

Maddie's p.o.v

It had been Two years since my first crazy pirate adventure and I was having the time of my life living on the black pearl with my dad and his crew but nothing is ever perfect, bad things have also happened such as me not aging at all at all. That's right I'm still Six years old!

Turns out the ring that I had found in the cave at the Isle De Muerta turned out to be a cursed ring. When I figured it out I searched through as many books on cursed objects as I could find, until I found it. The ring of immortality. It lures people in using its beauty and then whoever wears it can never take it off and becomes immortal.

When Jack and I read this we had very different opinions. I was obviously not very happy at all, I want to be able to grow up and do all the things that everyone else could do, like fighting the evil pirates and going on dangerous missions but as always I'm told the words that every child hates to hear.

Your too little.

Jack however was happy when he hard about my immortality. He told me that he never had to worry about me dying or growing up and leaving him. In his words I could 'stay his little girl forever'. Although he did promise me that one day we will go to the fountain of youth so that Jack could stay with me forever which made me a little happier.

Right now Jack was on a mission in a Turkish prison, he had been gone for three days and had said that he had to retrieve and object of value. It was one in the morning and Jack still wasn't back and everyone was starting to grow worried.

I was sat on her bed reading a book. I was supposed to be asleep hours ago but I wanted to stay up until dad came back because I missed him. I was struggling to keep her eyes open and eventually couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep, the book I was reading falling off her bed onto the floor.

Around half an hour later I woke up screaming and crying. The door burst open and Jack came running in, sat on the edge of my bed and pulled me into his lap. He put his arms around me and tried to calm me down and stop my body from shaking.

During the time I have been on the black pearl dad had gotten used to my nightmares. The first time it happened he freaked out and had no idea what to do but eventually over time his fatherly instincts kicked in and he figured out how to deal with them.

"It's alright darlin' you're okay" He told me while rocking me back and forth "just a nightmare"

"But daddy this one felt so real"

"What happened?"

"It was just you and me on the pearl and there was a huge storm. Suddenly this huge monster came out of nowhere, it was like a huge octopus and it bared its huge, sharp teeth at us and killed you. It was about to kill me but I woke up"

Madeline Sparrow: Dead man's chestWhere stories live. Discover now