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Finally we get to the top of the cliff. My breathing was very heavy, that was so tiering. I wanted to sit or lay down but Will had other plans.

"Pull it loose, find a rock!" He shouted.

we got on our hands and knees and were about to start look but we were interrupted by shouts and chants, I looked up and saw that the tribe of cannibals was heading straight for us, it seemed lie the others had seen them too because we all went quiet.

"Roll the cage!" Will yelled.

we stood up and grabbed on to the bones that made the gage and pushed them down so that the cage started to roll away from the nearing tribe, since we were all looking backwards to see if they were gaining on us, we did notice that we had arrived at hill. My high pitched screams were drowned out by the men's as the cage rapidly picked up speed and we rolled down the hill. There was a brief moment where the hill ended and we were free falling, which was even more terrifying but we soon landed on another hill and continued to roll down it.

Finally we were stopped by a tree and landed on flat ground but we didn't even have time to breathe as will barked another order at us.

"Lift the cage!"

"Lift it like up like a lady's skirt"

"Hey!" I yelled at Gibbs but he was to distracted to hear me, we picked up the bottoms of the cage and put our feet through the gaps so that they were still on the floor and began to run, the cannibals were still gaining on us so we picked up speed, this was very difficult for me since I only had little legs. Once again, none of us were paying any attention to where we were going and suddenly our feet were no longer on the ground. We began free falling very fast, I thought my heart was going to burst from my chest and my throat was starting to burn from how much I had been screaming. Eventually the cage hit some rocks and broke apart and we were thrown into the water bellow.

"This way everyone"

We all began swimming away as the cannibals shot darts and arrows at us, we swam beneath the surface of the water to avoid them and Gibbs grabbed my wrist to keep me close to him. We found a clearing, almost like a cave and swam into it with our backs against the wall as the people continued to fire at us. That didn't last for very long though as they all ran away after a young boy who had shouted out to them in their language, I let out a sigh of relief before we all swam off again and climbed out of the water. We ran off onto the beech where the pearl was waiting for us, all of the crew began to climb onto it except foe me, Gibbs and Will.

"What about Jack, I wont leave without him!" Will yelled.

"Nor I" I told Gibbs.

We all turned around when heard the yell of a familiar voice. It was Jack. I smiled brightly but that was quickly whipped from my face when cannibals rounded the corner and chased after him.

"Time to go"

We all began to climb up onto the boat and I helped the crew get the black sails up and get the ship ready to sail. Once everyone had got on the ship was off and slowly drifted of the beech, I looked over the railing and saw Jack pull himself onto the net and turn to the cannibals who had stopped chasing him.

"Alas my children, this day you shall always remember as the day that you almost" His unnecessary speech was cut off as a large wave crashed against the ship and completely drenched him. He continued to climb up the net and pull himself over the railings.

as soon as he was stood up right I rushed over to him and he quickly scooped me up into his arms and we tightly embraced.

"Oh, Madeline I am so glad that your all right" He told me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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