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I slowly opened my eyes to see that my arms and legs were tied to a plow with rope and was being held up by two people.

I turned my head to see the person I had been searching for. Jack was sat on some sort of throne with tribal paint painted on his face, he had his eyes closed but opened them when one of the people carrying me addressed him.

"Jack! Oh I can honestly say that I'm glad to see you" He stood and walked over to me with a confused look on his face, he bent down and pocked my shoulder "Jack, its me! Will Turner!"

He ignored me and spoke to the other people in a language that I did not know. This has happened to me twice now, what is going on?

"Tell them to let me down"

He ignored me again and carried on speaking to the people surrounding us.

"Jack, Elizabeth is in danger. She and I were arrested for saving you. She faces the gallows, I need your compass and Madeline to save her!"

Jack stops talking and waves his hand as if dismissing me. The people begin to chant something in their language. Jack bent down and whispered to me.

"Save me"

He got up and sat back down on his throne as the people started to carry me away to God knows where.

"Jack! You have to listen to me! What did you tell them! Jack!"

Madeline's p.o.v

I've got to say I never expected to be trapped in a cage that is being danged over a very long, deathly drop and his only being help up by vines but here I am, with the crew, sat down with my legs dangling through the cage. This is all Jack's fault, he decided that it was a good idea to talk some gibberish to cannibals which made them believe that he was a god. So they took him away somewhere and put the rest of us in some cages.

Not long after we were trapped in here we were joined by Will. Who seemed really on edge.

"Hey Will" I said in a monotone voice when the cannibals shoved him in here with us.

"Madeline, I'm glad to see you"


"I need your help, Elizabeth and I are in danger and Lord Beckett has agreed to help me save the both of us"

I now turned around to look at him.

"What happened?"

"We were both arrested and sentenced to death for helping your dad escape a couple years ago"

"Oh no this is terrible!" I said now standing up with a scared look on my face "what can I do to help?"

"Lord Beckett has told me that he will free us if I am able to bring Jack's compass and something else to him"

"Jack's compass? He keeps that in him at all times that's going to be very hard for you to get, anyway what else does he want"


Everyone turned their attention towards him when he said that.

"M -me?"

"What does he want with Madeline?" Gibbs asked. He put his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm not particularly sure but he said if I can get her and the compass to him that Elizabeth and I will be saved"

I looked at him in shock, some of the crew even looked angry with him. I looked up at him and glared.

"I'm not just some object that you can trade for your freedom William" I told him coldly.

"Madeline I didn't mean -"

"I don't care Will, I'm worried for you and Elizabeth and I hope that you can escape the death penalty, I really do but I'm not letting you trade me away to someone I don't even know"

I sat back down with my back to him and rested my face on my hand. I never thought Will, someone I considered a friend, would treat me like that but obviously he doesn't care for me, he only cares for Elizabeth and himself.

Silence hung in the air for a while until Will decided to change the subject.

"Why is he doing this to us? If Jack is the chief -"

He was cut off my Gibbs, who was still annoyed at him because he and I had become quite close, and spoke in a harsh tone.

"Aye, they have made him chief but it only remains that way as along as he acts like a chief"

"So he's captive here like the rest of us?"

"Worse, as it turns out"

I whipped around to face him "What do you mean, worse"

He looked at me sadly and sighed "Well, they believe that Jack is a good in human from and they intend to honour him by...........releasing him from his fleshy prison"

"They're gonna kill him?"

He nodded. I turned back around now extremely worried.

"Where's the rest of the crew?"

"These cages weren't built till after we got here"

Will moved his hand away from the cage and looked alarmed

"The feast is about to begin, jack's life will end when the drums stop"

"Well we can't just sit here and let them kill him"

"Take a look around you idiot, it doesn't look like we are getting out of here any time soon"

Will was quiet for a moment until.

"Swing the cage"


"Swing the cage"

So now we are swinging the cage trying to reach the cliff edge. We don't make it the first time, we almost make it the second time grabbing some vines but they break off in our hands. Finally the thrid time we were able to grab onto some stronger vines and so was the other cage next to us.

"Put your legs through, start to climb!"

We all put out legs through the holes and began to climb to cliff, using the vines to pull us upwards.

"Come one men! It'll take all of us to crew the black pearl"

"Actually you won't need all of us, around six will do"

We all stoped climbing and turned to face the other cage. Well I know what that means.

"Oh no"

"Go!" I shouted.

Both the cages began to climb again and we tried to climb faster than the other cage.

"Heave, is that all you've got?!"

"Stop, stop" Will harshly whispered and we all stopped, I followed his gaze and saw a boy on the bridge.

"Stop" he whispered to the other cage and they stopped climbing.

I look over and see that the other cage has started moving again.

"No, stop" I tried to warn them but they didn't listen to me.

"Ahhhhh!" One of the pirates had grabbed a large snake instead of a vine and screamed throwing it away.

They all let go of the of vines they were holding and fall backwards. The force of them all at the bottom of the cage caused the rope holding it at the top to snap and their cage fell with them scamming the entire way. We all watched them fall until I saw that their screaming had caught the attention of the boy.

"Move!" I shouted and we began to climb again but even faster as the boy ran away, back the way he came shouting in his native language.

Madeline Sparrow: Dead man's chestWhere stories live. Discover now