the black spot

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(back to) Jack's p.o.v

"is this a dream?"

"No......." His voice was really deep.

"It thought so, if it was there would be rum"

He offered me a bottle with barnacles stuck to it but I still took it.

"So, I see you got the pearl back"

"I had a little bit of help with that......your son"

He looked a little shocked.

"William?" He asked, a small smile appearing on his face "so he became a pirate after all?"

I nodded "so what do I owe the pleasure of your visit"

"He sent me."

I looked at him, confused.

"Davy Jones"

There was a tense pause.

"I'm sorry for the part I played in the mutiny against you Jack, I stood up for you and your little Madeline but that didn't end well for me. They strapped me to a cannon and pushed me into sea. I sank all the way to the bottom, the eight of the water crushing me. Unable to move. Unable to die.

"It's funny what a man will do to forstall his judgement" I got up and walked over to the stairs. I was about to leave but I was cut off by Bill.

"You made a deal with him too Jack" He reminded me "he pulled the pearl for the depths of the sea for you, thirteen years you've been Captin"

"Technically -" I tried but he stoped me.

"You won't be able to talk your way out of this one Jack, the same rules that applied to me apply to you as well, one soul bound to crew the ship for a hundred years aboard his ship"

"But the flying Dutchman already has captin so really there's no use -"

"Then it's the locker for you!" He shouted.

"Any idea when Jones will release his terrible beastie?"

"I already told you Jack" he out his hand over the palm of mine "your time is up......."

I looked down at my hand and saw the dreaded black spot resting on my palm.

"He comes now, with ravenous hunger for the man who bears the black spot"

When I looked back up from my hand Bootstrap was gone. Suddenly realisation set in and I pounded up the stairs and ran into the crews quarters shouting orders at them.

"On deck! All hands! Lift the skins up!
On deck savvy!I want movement!"

The woke up instantly and fell out of their hammocks onto the floor while I shouted at them. They qickly got up and rushed up to the deck getting to work. I hid behind a mast.

"Do we have a heading?"

"Argh! Run land!"

"Which port?"

"I didn't say port I said land, any land, AHH"

That dreaded monkey flew passed and swopped my hat off my head. It hissed at me and I hissed back then that bloody thing threw my hat overboard.

All the crew ran over to the side of the boat "Jack's hat!"

"No, no leave it, run"

They all stood and stared at me.

"Back to your stations! The lot er ya!"

I ran and his behind the stairs, Gibbs slowly walked up to me.

Madeline Sparrow: Dead man's chestWhere stories live. Discover now